President Jimmy Carter’s “island of stability” toast to the Shah in a New Year’s Eve toast during a visit to Iran in December 1977. The Shah fled Iran in January 1979 amid rising popular opposition to his autocratic rule. The Iranian revolution followed and November 1979 radical students, supported by the new regime, took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, leading to a 444-day hostage crisis.
“Iran because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world.
“This is a great tribute to you, Your Majesty, and to your leadership and to the respect and the admiration and love which your people give to you.”
Over Fred Astaire’s fireplace in Beverly Hills is a yellowed MGM interoffice studio memo—souvenir of the dancer’s first screen test. Dated 1933 and sent by the testing director to his superior, it reads: “Fred Astaire. Can’t act. Slightly bald. Can dance a little.” —J. Z. in Cue
An economic principle differentiates between fashion and investments. Fashion represents things that may come and go but quite possibly could come back later and become an investment.
A few years ago - and even now - electric cars were a fashion. Investing was/is risky while oil is still a proven investment. People tend to mock fashion because it can come or go, and since their investing beliefs have to match their behavior. I think many errors are made as a result of money. Interestingly, we usually only hear about the decisions that were really bad or extremely prescient.
Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899. Mr. Deull's most famous attributed utterance is that "everything that can be invented has been invented."
I want to take a moment to appreciate this little collective consciousness that I imagine I am sharing with your readers each day. Especially on days when, for whatever reason, the articles selected seem to take my thoughts up and down and carry them in a way that it must also carry other readers. And perhaps it is the option of commenting that we are given, although that has certainly proven to be toxic in many other platforms. But, I am grateful to the curator, grateful for all of your thoughtfulness and respect, and grateful for the opportunity to be with other human beings, just for an instant.
Are you shilling for Twitter? Drug cartels and many dark web ventures are successful too no matter how they do it. Musk’s skirting the edges of anti-trust laws and his recent slash and burn actions with former employees makes me think that his moral compass is wildly spinning.
I’ve heard that one should be careful about using the terms “always” and “never” … as a teenager, and having had mixed experiences of being a volunteer Candystriper (maybe some of you were familiar with them?) I was in contact with a few nurses who were not very nice people… I then made the decision that I would NEVER become a nurse, because I didn’t want to become sour like them.
Fast forward to the present- I am now a retired nurse after 40 years of having been a staff nurse, supervisor, military officer, director of a Community college nursing program, and clinical instructor … and I’m pretty sure I did not turn into a sourpuss (!)
although humbling to read these opinions, it's probably worth pointing out that all of the authors have a vested interest in their opinions being found true. Actual objectivity is difficulty to obtain.
I find it interesting if not ironic, that all the commentators had some sort of vested interest in their stated opinions. Actual objectivity is difficult to come by. As my grandpa always said, follow the money.
It would be interesting to reach back and get a true gauge on the whether a number of these predictions where made with a true sense and feeling of what was to come or from a stance of attempting to keep the current status of themselves, product or company intact.
Without doubt, these examples can be used to reflect on current predictions and how those offering prophecies are directly affect by being right…or wrong.
predicting the future of a brand new technology would benefit from folks getting off their duffs and at least studying the early users’ behavior.
President Jimmy Carter’s “island of stability” toast to the Shah in a New Year’s Eve toast during a visit to Iran in December 1977. The Shah fled Iran in January 1979 amid rising popular opposition to his autocratic rule. The Iranian revolution followed and November 1979 radical students, supported by the new regime, took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, leading to a 444-day hostage crisis.
“Iran because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world.
“This is a great tribute to you, Your Majesty, and to your leadership and to the respect and the admiration and love which your people give to you.”
I had no idea about this speech. Thanks!
Over Fred Astaire’s fireplace in Beverly Hills is a yellowed MGM interoffice studio memo—souvenir of the dancer’s first screen test. Dated 1933 and sent by the testing director to his superior, it reads: “Fred Astaire. Can’t act. Slightly bald. Can dance a little.” —J. Z. in Cue
An economic principle differentiates between fashion and investments. Fashion represents things that may come and go but quite possibly could come back later and become an investment.
A few years ago - and even now - electric cars were a fashion. Investing was/is risky while oil is still a proven investment. People tend to mock fashion because it can come or go, and since their investing beliefs have to match their behavior. I think many errors are made as a result of money. Interestingly, we usually only hear about the decisions that were really bad or extremely prescient.
Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899. Mr. Deull's most famous attributed utterance is that "everything that can be invented has been invented."
I want to take a moment to appreciate this little collective consciousness that I imagine I am sharing with your readers each day. Especially on days when, for whatever reason, the articles selected seem to take my thoughts up and down and carry them in a way that it must also carry other readers. And perhaps it is the option of commenting that we are given, although that has certainly proven to be toxic in many other platforms. But, I am grateful to the curator, grateful for all of your thoughtfulness and respect, and grateful for the opportunity to be with other human beings, just for an instant.
Thank you for being part of it!
Are you shilling for Twitter? Drug cartels and many dark web ventures are successful too no matter how they do it. Musk’s skirting the edges of anti-trust laws and his recent slash and burn actions with former employees makes me think that his moral compass is wildly spinning.
You assume he owns a moral compass!
Sorry,bad choice of words
I’ve heard that one should be careful about using the terms “always” and “never” … as a teenager, and having had mixed experiences of being a volunteer Candystriper (maybe some of you were familiar with them?) I was in contact with a few nurses who were not very nice people… I then made the decision that I would NEVER become a nurse, because I didn’t want to become sour like them.
Fast forward to the present- I am now a retired nurse after 40 years of having been a staff nurse, supervisor, military officer, director of a Community college nursing program, and clinical instructor … and I’m pretty sure I did not turn into a sourpuss (!)
although humbling to read these opinions, it's probably worth pointing out that all of the authors have a vested interest in their opinions being found true. Actual objectivity is difficulty to obtain.
I find it interesting if not ironic, that all the commentators had some sort of vested interest in their stated opinions. Actual objectivity is difficult to come by. As my grandpa always said, follow the money.
It would be interesting to reach back and get a true gauge on the whether a number of these predictions where made with a true sense and feeling of what was to come or from a stance of attempting to keep the current status of themselves, product or company intact.
Without doubt, these examples can be used to reflect on current predictions and how those offering prophecies are directly affect by being right…or wrong.