Feel better Bill. Hoping the virus doesn't keep you down too long...

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Listen to your body & doctor, get plenty of rest. I too was hoping not to catch COVID, but did 3 months ago, as my husband unknowingly caught it. No symptoms for me, but hubby had same effects as you. Take care Bill.

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917 days. I took all the precautions I had to do according to national abd local rules but no more (when I didn’t have to wear a mask, I didn’t - at one point I was the only massless person in the supermarket). Got vaccinated and boosted as early as I could. Traveled internationally several times, including to Afghanistan when virus was raging in late 2020. As a healthy, active person with no underlying conditions, I was perfectly fine with being infected, partly to get it out of the way and partly to boost immunity. But I never did. No one in my family got it either (though obviously we could have got it and been asymptomatic). Weird.

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So sorry to hear you are under the weather. Take care of yourself.

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That's the fake date, like all the other nonsense associated with the fake pandemic. It likely started in 2019 or even 2018...but only if you still believe in fairy tales. Remember, PCR usage is not really a test, but more or less a scanning/investigating tool. It can detect DNA but cannot test for specific viruses and germs. This from its inventor, Kary Mullis. Therefore, all pandemic cases are nullified and that nullifies the entire pandemic. PCR was never standardized to discover any covid viruses. One would think, in a logical world, that that process would be first and foremost established around the world before testing began.

If you were sick or ill during this time, it was probably related to something else. Perhaps your body was doing a major detox or some other process was affected. Viral related sickness comes from within, not from the outside. There has never been any proof of virus transmission using any methods. Before I can ever accept the possibility of any viral pandemic, I need certified, independent proof of its existence, testing methods and treatments (outside of pressurized mRNA gene therapy injections that were never given any serious trials).

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You win "Most ridiculous comment on Understandably, ever". Congratulations.

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… and he/she did it without having to divulge his/her name.

Bonus points for that!

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I’m glad you said what I (and probably others) was thinking.

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You can even take out "on Understandably" and just say "Most ridiculous comment ever!"

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Love it: short, sweet and to the point - and quite accurate!

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Take care of yourself! I too was able to stay free of Covid until a month ago! This strain of Covid usually lasts a week. Hope you feel better soon!

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See what happens when you take a vacation? That low power mode isn't good for your health.

It's only a matter of time until we all get it. At least today it's not deadly like it was in the beginning. Hopefully yours continues to be mild. I worked through mine and didn't miss any time, other than not being able to go into the office. With the new CDC guidelines, you're only sidelined a couple days now.

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Hope you get feeling well soon.

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We have been fortunate so far. Fully vaxed and received our newest bivalent booster yesterday. Daughter is fully vaxed. She had a mild case in May and tested negative after only 5 days. We were obviously in the same house but continued to test negative with the rapid test. Perhaps it helped that we had received our boosters the beginning of May.

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Hope you are able to get all of the sleep you need, Bill. I found sleep the way to get through it, too.

Today’s article is a poignant reminder that we are always better off being a buffalo in a storm and not a cow trying to “stay ahead” of the storm because it will always catch up and all you have done is spent more time “in the storm.”



Google it….what does a buffalo do in a storm

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Feel better, Bill.

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Get well soon Bill

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Get well, I hope your symptoms are short lived. I remember going to work that day planning to take two weeks vacation from a line of work that was considered essential and dealt with 50 people a day in person. I didn’t want to expose my family. I fortunately have not caught it yet, got my 5th booster yesterday. I’m an extremely careful as I think I can be, due to a family member with an immunity concern

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So sorry you have the punies. Hope you feel better soon!

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Covid finally got me and my husband, too! On the last day of our FL Vacation....him first, and me the next day. It's awful! Exhausting, but I don't sleep well; more achy than flu; fever, cough, runny nose.....and we are double vaccinated and double boosted! I can only imagine if we were not, how much more awful it would be. Steaming hot chicken noodle soup helps. We like the Progresso brand.

Hope you get well soon, sir. Meanwhile, know that you do not suffer alone. 🧡

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Jewish delis/restaurants make the BEST chicken soup, especially for when you are ill.

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Bill, I’m holding you in my prayers for a full recovery. More importantly, I’m holding those who care for you in my prayers. Follow instructions and put your incredible Bill Murphy Jr. energy on the shelf (or, most likely in your case, under the bed). Get well soon!

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