I like to think the only question that went through Anita's mind when facing a stranger and her child was "what would Jesus do?" It's a question too few people ask these days.

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I don't think she needed to stop to ask that. She already knew.

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Such a heartwrenching and heartwarming story - beautifully written. I have tears streaming down my cheeks on a crowded train commute to work.

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Kristine told her story simply, succinctly and sublimely. A powerful message about true generosity of the spirit that she continues to pay forward.

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Wow. what a story. We all have one. Through the generosity of one couple, two people's lives changed forever. Goes to show you the significant impact of just one person can make in another person's life. Something to really think about. Thanks for sharing the story of Kristine. I really liked reading it. It certainly puts things in perspective as I realize (even more) how we all need each other and what it says about the human connection. The 7 things worth knowing is always a good read as it helps keep me up to date with everything going on in the world.

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Kristine's story is really moving. A great reminder that loving your neighbor as yourself means packing up the pot roast and gravy, not just the can of green beans or no name Mac and Cheese.

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I will be sharing this powerful message with my college freshmen next week. Thank you.

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Wonderful, inspiring story today! Then, the “7 Things” offers up a story about the complete opposite.

The Michigan mural article reminds me of the time when some parents went nuts over Harry Potter books saying they “…promoted witch craft, a religion.” According to a NYT article at the time “… parents argue that because witchcraft is a religion, books about it do not belong in public schools.” My wife is a yoga instructor and had to deal with the same religious nonsense around yoga, calling it a religion. It is interesting that people always search for ways to find their fears.

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What's even more interesting is how quickly people denigrate something without even bothering to actually check it out. Case in point, the Harry Potter books. A friend condemned them and when I asked if she had read them, she said no. How can you condemn something you know almost nothing about? Gossip & rumors I suppose.

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Well said. My 2¢ is that many people have difficulty thinking for themselves so they rely on others to think for them. You just described the result!

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Exactly. Well stated. I really don’t have anything “against” some of those more easily identifiable influences, but it confuses and saddens me that people so willingly give up their their own ability to reflect, discern and process because someone else at some point said “this is how it is”.

I guess my empathy kicks in, and I realize some people just need to be led. I’m just glad I’m not one of them.

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What a beautiful story. I am so grateful your mother put you and your needs ahead of her and make sure that you would have food that evening on your table. With that gift her life and your life turned around. I am sure it was very difficult in fact I cannot really comprehend what it means to be hungry but I can’t say that my most important charity that I give money to every month and then extra gifts every year is Feeding America. I hope from I hope someone from Feeding America has read your story or you make sure that they do. It is a great testimonial to what it means that no one should suffer from food insecurity. Your story affirms my belief in Feeding America and your story needs to be told

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Thanks, Bill. Sometimes, someone can say it better!

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Great story....everyone should read it and follow the example!

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This was stunning and beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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BEAUTIFUL reminder of the importance of giving. Thank you for sharing.

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The best!

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My morning started reading Kristine's story through tears. It's a powerful reminder how the compassionate spirit can positively alter the life trajectory of another. Words I won't soon forget and will share with others.

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Exactly! Thank you Tami for being so articulate.

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Wow! I believe this is the first time I’ve cried while reading an essay you’ve presented to us, Bill. Moving story, perfect lesson. Thank you 🙏.

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Beautiful story; thank you for sharing. A good way to start the day, and a good reminder to us all.

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