Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Good morning! Even better with a second cup of coffee, or so. It's all good info for all the reasons you describe. I have struggled with needing to have some decaf and wondering if Swiss water process method of decaffeinating the coffee is healthier than the chemical method. You don't need to investigate this as I'm happy with organic, free trade beans, caffeinated or less. Glad to read understandably.com this morning! Diane

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I love my morning coffee. My husband does too. My husband is not a morning person. I am. I usually wait till he’s had his cup of coffee before speaking to him in the morning to avoid any unpleasantness. Live and learn.

I recently scored a Cuisinart manual espresso machine in a virtual garage sale. I enjoy a good espresso with Balzac’s espresso ground coffee a few times a week at least.

I also alternate between It Works! Keto Coffee and Keto Tea.

Good to alternate between these different types of coffee (and tea) I think to keep things interesting. I can feel a lot better about enjoying my cups of coffee after reading Understandably this morning. Thanks Bill.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Two to three cups a day. I grind my beans daily and I alternate with hot coffee one day and iced coffee the next. My answer to "health reasons, taste, or habit?" - Yes!

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Love this article. I drink lots and lots. All day long. I have also done some research and there is a sugar in nature called L-arabinose. The highest concentrations of L-Arabinose can be found in instant coffee, wine and sake. When consumed, L-arabinose selectively inhibits the sucrase enzyme in the small intestine. The digestion of sucrose is delayed and/or (partially) prevented. The digestion of other carbohydrates is not affected. Think about who some of the healthiest people are... Mediterranean diet, Asian diets and you have to think most of the other large coffee consumption countries drink instant coffee. I switched to an imported instant coffee years ago. Maybe I should concentrate on the wine drinking now.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I am a coffee drinker, but usually only one cup a day. Sometimes I get too busy and don’t even finish the one cup. My concern is that increasing coffee consumption, for some, also means increasing creamer, sugar, and flavorings consumption. That might cancel out the benefits of the coffee.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Dunkin’ Donuts coffee (regular) without fail every day…. Extra large so you can drink it all morning. Is it bad (or confirm your commitment to the beverage) when your 7 year old daughter on a particularly busy Saturday morning says “Mom, have you had your coffee today? We should stop at Dunkin’ “

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

As an avid all-day coffee drinker and resident of Lincoln, Nebraska, today's newsletter spoke to me especially. Thanks for continuing to provide interesting and informative stories to start my day. It is the perfect way to start my day, with, of course, my cup of coffee.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I’m a decaf kind of guy. My wife informed my workmates that “Stan” will be more pleasant to work with as long as he avoids caffeine.

Oh well.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

To be clear, the marquee message was not to BK management, as stated in the article, but to their loyal customers.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I am more than a coffee person: I am a coffee addict. I started drinking coffee when I was in grade 2 in 1960 with my Mom giving me my first taste of it. I became a Starbucks coffee addict when I have my first cup in 1990. I have so much Starbucks coffee in my blood, Red Cross refused my blood donation when they saw coffee come out of my veins. Yes, I must have my 3-4 MUGS every single day. I cannot go sleep without my last cup of the day before sleeping. And I am now 70 and thank God in the peak of good health... oh, and my Mom? She will turn 94 next week and still active. You bet coffee makes a difference.

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Jul 15, 2021Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Yes, I’m a definite coffee person. I came late to the party but have been on the train now for about 45 years. Funny things have happened with time. A cup of coffee was 4-6 ounces so even now I’m never sure how many cups I’m getting in my 20 ounce mug; 2.5 eight ounce cups these days? Guess that’ll have to do. So, since I stopped at coffee, I suppose I’ll finish the rest of this wonderful publication.

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Coffee is the reason I'm not called "Reaping Charon." Many years ago, something happened. I was having a hard time dealing with people's lack of mind acuteness... and someone in the office, just a someone, not one of my friends, told another to bring me a coffee. I was shocked because these people were not "friends" per se. But the other brought it. And it was hours later when I realized the CHANGE in my behavior... And yes. I have one in the morning, then 1-2 more during the day if the survival of others demands it... (he he he)

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This is wonderful news. Unfortunately, I just read this morning that between climate change and the pandemic-caused disruption in the supply chain, coffee can be added to the things that may become too expensive for those of us on a fixed income. Of course, it will help the coffee companies to call it a "health food," but that won't help the pressure on prices....

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Almost nothing beats that morning coffee... does the study address decaf and if it has the same effect?

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