The dog gets you the 5 star rating for today. Just sayin'.

You're wife is always right. She picked you, right?

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Good morning Bill ! Thank you for including Circe’s article, I thoroughly enjoyed it and shared it with a friend who is struggling after her relocation. Although much of today's news is just not “good” I appreciate your take on it and yes.. your wife is right! That dog!!!!!

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Every campaign email should automatically go to your spam folder. Then YOU can decide which one, if any, you wish to read.

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Cheers to your wife for the great dog story - she is so right about the awful news lately. And cheers to Circe, I am nearing 60 and considering a move as well - her words were insightful and encouraging. Enjoy exploring your new world, Circe!

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Anything with a dog is simply outstanding. My dog agrees.

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re the tragic discovery of the semi in TX, laden with the dead. I like this headline more than the one you used. (https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/nlimgs.crowdpac.com/06282205.jpg) ‘people.’ not ‘migrants.’ ‘46 people found dead’ feels much more respectful. it also gets a reader ‘inside the door.’ thanks.

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I learned a long time ago the best way to fend off loneliness and even depression is to give yourself something to look forward to every day. Every night before going to bed think of something you want to accomplish tomorrow. It might as simple as getting your car washed or buying a new dish drainer. You will be amazed how starting the day with something to accomplish will change your outlook.

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A different take on loneliness. I was in a horrific marriage. When I escaped,

I realized there’s nothing more lonely than being in a bad marriage. Since then, no matter my predicament, I always remember that and it changes my attitude.

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Ninah, I would never have pegged you for being or staying in anything horrific....(my apologies to Peggy, I shoulda taken the time to look up a different word....;)

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You’re right there!! A very brief marriage.

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watch every sunset and every sunrise....and grow in appreciation

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About the last of 7 other things, the poor thing was misunderstood. It just wanted to join the game, but got distracted by the belly rubs.

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This is brilliant. The dog video is adorable.

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Love the article "Captian of your soul". I enjoy Understandably and look forward to whenever I see it in my in box. Thank you Bill.

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Good stuff, Bill. I am entertained and learn something everyday from your newsletter. It's important to point out that the Army's recruitment issues are actually widespread across all branches, not just the Army. https://www.ngaus.org/newsroom/military-struggles-recruiting-especially-army. Problems like this don't crop up suddenly in one year unless something dramatic has occurred. Perhaps an empty suit for a president and the military's sudden "woke" agenda are more likely the cause.

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Thank you for the kind words! As for recruiting, you're right that things don't usually change dramatically without a dramatic reason. But the concerns you and others pose about "woke" military etc ... let's just say I'd love to see some surveys on 17-25 year olds on this. I would be surprised to learn that's the issue, or that it's because they don't like Biden. I joined during Clinton and believe me he had nothing to do with it. There's historic low unemployment, we're just coming off Covid, much larger possibility of war with Russia or China ... I don't know, I'd just really like to see some actual unbiased polling of potential recruits and see what they say.

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Oh wait, an actual survey!

Only 23% of Americans ages 17-24 are qualified to serve without a waiver to join, down from 29% in recent years.

only 9% of those young Americans eligible to serve in the military had any inclination to do so

More than half of the young Americans who answered the survey — about 57% — think they would have emotional or psychological problems after serving in the military. Nearly half think they would have physical problems.

only 13% had parents who had served in the military, down from approximately 40% in 1995.


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Do we agree that life needs water for survival?

Love the upbeat video. Hopefully, this dog finds a forever home where they play.

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