The ability to recognize that the only preparation that truly helps is to be prepared for the unknown. That means to always be learning, growing, willing to change and adapt as needed. Combined with my relentless determination, flexible persistence, and an optimistic yet stubborn will that seeks to champion equity and inclusion whenever possible. Looking for new ways of seeing everything and anything is essential.
I also really love Eric's advice. I work with liberal arts students, especially User Experience-focused students, connecting them to internships and supporting their professional development. What's Eric's talking about - interdisciplinary nature, leadership, collaboration, equity & inclusion - is exactly what I'm trying to teach our students about the benefits of their liberal arts degree. I'll be sharing this article with students in the Fall!
Loved, loved the story about Herb Kelleher! I didn't remember the story but makes total sense. Getting attorneys involved only benefits them. Not saying everything has to be a arm wrestling event, not a bad idea though, but talking is the solution.
Great story. I had a similar experience as CEO of an insurance company at a time when a local, smaller, private bank started using our tag line. I called him and invited him to lunch to discuss. After showing him proof of our prior claim to it, he agreed to stop using it (I agreed to let him use it to run out his ad buy). I happen to be an attorney also, with prior experience fighting over the issue with AIG, so I knew the expense of litigation. My bet (hope) is that such civility is happening more than we know - good to see someone reporting on the the lesson!
Loved the video of the raucous arm wrestling contest. More power to any and everyone who would rather settle a dispute by making a friend rather than an enemy.
I’m sorry to read Skrelli is out of prison. I’m betting he’s learned nothing.
The Australian PM scrubbed his toe on the ground which made him fall. So glad he and the kid seem to be ok. I’d be willing to bet the PM felt his trip up the next day though.
As for former President Bush, I not so sure it was a verbal misfire but rather the primal scream of a long suppressed conscience. Guilt will out itself eventually.
I’m still loving your daily wordsmithing Bill. Hang in there. This is my highlight of my day. By the way, I’m using your edit function. Love it. Thanks a bunch.
On the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy, I just streamed a film yesterday called “Margin Call” (Netflix) about this exact issue. It’s a good film with a stellar cast. The film explains what happened very well, even for the uninitiated. Here’s what Wikipanion says. “Although the film does not depict any real Wall Street firm, and the fictional firm is never named, the plot has similarities to some events during the 2008 financial crisis: Goldman Sachs similarly moved early to hedge and reduce its position in mortgage-backed securities, at the urging of two employees,[16] which essentially mirrors Tuld's comment about the advantage of moving first. Lehman Brothers moved second and went bankrupt. John Tuld's name is said to be a combination of Merrill Lynch's ex-CEO John Thain and Lehman Brothers' ex-CEO Richard Fuld.[17]”
This is an awesome recap of a historic story. Think about it! We settle Elon Musk and the purchase of Twitter by having a water balloon fight. We can settle the debate over Supreme Court cases by having a tug-of-war between the Conservative and Liberal Justices. We can settle debates in Congress by “bags” challenges between Senators!!
* Fyre Festival, not Frye!
I love Eric’s outlook and advise.
The ability to recognize that the only preparation that truly helps is to be prepared for the unknown. That means to always be learning, growing, willing to change and adapt as needed. Combined with my relentless determination, flexible persistence, and an optimistic yet stubborn will that seeks to champion equity and inclusion whenever possible. Looking for new ways of seeing everything and anything is essential.
These are leadership skills. 🌷
Thank you! I've spent a long time developing myself and growing. Always keep learning as much I can. Appreciate the kind words.
Yes, sir. You are welcome. This is good advise for the young and old among us!
I also really love Eric's advice. I work with liberal arts students, especially User Experience-focused students, connecting them to internships and supporting their professional development. What's Eric's talking about - interdisciplinary nature, leadership, collaboration, equity & inclusion - is exactly what I'm trying to teach our students about the benefits of their liberal arts degree. I'll be sharing this article with students in the Fall!
As a former teacher this makes me extremely happy. Thank you for the kind words, Maggie!
Loved, loved the story about Herb Kelleher! I didn't remember the story but makes total sense. Getting attorneys involved only benefits them. Not saying everything has to be a arm wrestling event, not a bad idea though, but talking is the solution.
Great story. I had a similar experience as CEO of an insurance company at a time when a local, smaller, private bank started using our tag line. I called him and invited him to lunch to discuss. After showing him proof of our prior claim to it, he agreed to stop using it (I agreed to let him use it to run out his ad buy). I happen to be an attorney also, with prior experience fighting over the issue with AIG, so I knew the expense of litigation. My bet (hope) is that such civility is happening more than we know - good to see someone reporting on the the lesson!
Loved the video of the raucous arm wrestling contest. More power to any and everyone who would rather settle a dispute by making a friend rather than an enemy.
I’m sorry to read Skrelli is out of prison. I’m betting he’s learned nothing.
The Australian PM scrubbed his toe on the ground which made him fall. So glad he and the kid seem to be ok. I’d be willing to bet the PM felt his trip up the next day though.
As for former President Bush, I not so sure it was a verbal misfire but rather the primal scream of a long suppressed conscience. Guilt will out itself eventually.
I’m still loving your daily wordsmithing Bill. Hang in there. This is my highlight of my day. By the way, I’m using your edit function. Love it. Thanks a bunch.
On the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy, I just streamed a film yesterday called “Margin Call” (Netflix) about this exact issue. It’s a good film with a stellar cast. The film explains what happened very well, even for the uninitiated. Here’s what Wikipanion says. “Although the film does not depict any real Wall Street firm, and the fictional firm is never named, the plot has similarities to some events during the 2008 financial crisis: Goldman Sachs similarly moved early to hedge and reduce its position in mortgage-backed securities, at the urging of two employees,[16] which essentially mirrors Tuld's comment about the advantage of moving first. Lehman Brothers moved second and went bankrupt. John Tuld's name is said to be a combination of Merrill Lynch's ex-CEO John Thain and Lehman Brothers' ex-CEO Richard Fuld.[17]”
This is an awesome recap of a historic story. Think about it! We settle Elon Musk and the purchase of Twitter by having a water balloon fight. We can settle the debate over Supreme Court cases by having a tug-of-war between the Conservative and Liberal Justices. We can settle debates in Congress by “bags” challenges between Senators!!