I'm going to suggest that the Gallup poll reveals a problem with polls. When you read "country in the world where residents feel "at peace with [their] thoughts and feelings." I'll wager many people mistakenly think that means oh, they must have a great quality of life there, the lucky ducks.

Not necessarily the case, particularly for Honduras, which has the second highest murder rate in the world. Folks there may feel at peace with their thoughts and feelings, but it's the kind of peace that comes from realizing you've got a 50/50 shot of making it home from the grocery store alive, but you still have to go otherwise you'll starve, so best get going.

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Thank you for this insightful article regarding the future and how to be your best now and for the future!!

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A lot of people worry about the future, not realizing that it’s what you’re doing in the present moment that will directly affect your future.

But I would also like to add, that every crisis has been done before by someone else. So the issues with democracies around the world have been going on for millennia, all health crises have happened before (Antonine plague), and yet through all the things you can worry about? People still survived them.

So worrying won’t help, but minding what you do and why you’re doing it will build your future and affect others.

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“Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.“

Truer words were never spoken. Use your own brain, think, take personal responsibility for yourself in everything.

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Wisdom comes from being at peace... Had Jobs known his body was still being ravaged by cancer, his motivational speech would have likely been " i hope some of you will end up being cancer researchers and oncologists; Everything else is secondary."

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In rereading Cai Emmons’ essay (yet another reminder of the things we take for granted), I noticed the article in one of your “7 other things” about the megaflood in California back in 1862; it rained for over a month, causing much loss of life … it happened after a drought, too …

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Great stuff today and really hit home with me.


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Thank you for the Steve Jobs graduation speech … as we move along our own life’s experiences, it truly is difficult to see the forest for the trees.

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We should listen and pay attention to Steve Jobs! It will simplify everything we agonize over.

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I know that the holidays are now past as we speed along in this new year but I am dying to know what won the best Christmas song! After all it is the little things that are important and bring joy. 🤠

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“Donald Trump was in his second year of hosting The Apprentice.”

Talking about time, I wish he was frozen in time there. This is my opinion and mine only. It was just too good a note to let pass.

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I spied this in your list of 7 other things.

“A new study raises concerns about climate change-fueled floods dropping massive amounts of water on drought-plagued California — an unlikely sounding scenario that has actually happened before. “Every major population center in California would get hit at once — probably parts of Nevada and other adjacent states, too,” says study coauthor Daniel Swain of UCLA. (USA Today)

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