I'm not a big fan of ice water (other than as a drink) so I donated $100 to ALS research when I was challenged.

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If this Ukraine conflict is the greatest challenge since the Cuban Missile crisis I am uncomfortable with a Commander in Chief who calls for dead people in press conferences, tells people he has grown up in a Puerto Rican community that didn’t exist in his beloved Scranton PA and wanders around the room like Artie Jonson from Laugh In having nuclear codes

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No need to try to start something. This should be a fun place.

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In our little berg, we used to “arrest” people and put them in a fake jail with a telephone. They then had to contact their friends to put up “bail” and the money went to charity. Needless to say, it totally backfired because some people actually thought they were being arrested and panicked. So the next year, they got permission first to put people in “jail”. That backfired because these people were all wealthy, and some of their friends wanted to give them their comeuppance and refused to pay. So the whole plan was scuttled. Well, it was truly a dumb idea, as the rest of us, giggling, just watched it implode.

Now charities hold Murder Mystery nights where someone in the audience gets “murdered” and the rest of us have to figure it out. Can’t wait to see how that goes down. Haha

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It is an observation of behavior and a concern regarding diminished capacity office holders

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Does this need to be said?

Does this need to be said by me?

Does this need to be said by me, right now?

- Craig Ferguson.

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Good point

Many people don’t like to face the obvious

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The partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions.

- Plato

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I have always supported ALS research. So enjoyed watching all the ice bucket challenges!! Family Best Charity and time together: Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon every Labor Day for many years. No matter where or what we were doing we participated. Yes, MDA has greatly benefited.

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As to your questions - I did do the ice bucket challenge (money vs wet head) and have some something similar to raise money for childhood cancer research (as have thousands of people, or more) by shaving my head to raise money for St. Baldrick’s. This charity is worth an article due to its beginnings (high level execs from reinsurance) and its success (I think 1st or 2nd in raising funds for this cause). I think the site is easy to find.

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On the heels of talk of Putin using nuclear weapons, the US government spent $290 million on anti-radiation drugs. Nplate for Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS). According to the article the US government said the procurement of Nplate was not in response to the war in Ukraine. Don't believe that for a minute.


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Go Darrell!

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At the high school where I taught, students donated money to have teachers “win” to have the bucket of ice water dumped on them. The top 3 money raisers “won”. I was one of the them 🥶. I think I “won” because my student knew I am an absolute baby about being cold.

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Bill, Pete Frates was a college baseball player at Boston College, not a basketball player. Had to correct that...

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something worth knowing, sad news: Easter Island Moai (big head statues) irreparably damaged by wildfire. The mayor there says it is not accidental.


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I’ve lost two friends to ALS and have another suffering from it now. I can think of no worse way to die. I’m glad they moved that drug forward but I hope the research continues.

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