In your survey, for the last question you ask, ask me anything, did you mean for that field to be a minimum of 500 characters? I wanted to ask your something, but my text did not have 500 characters, so I fired off an email instead.

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thank you for telling me! fixed.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I had the same issue with the 500 characters just now,

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I don't want to send a second email — but if anyone found that I set the restrictions for one answer to minimum 500 characters when I meant *maximum* 500 characters ... I've fixed it now. Thanks!

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I have been contemplating as a subscriber and will do so now that you’ve posted that you are proud of the vast differences of opinions we have. Civility has been lost and I welcome new friends that will never share my viewpoints.

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Bill - I really enjoyed how you included such a variety of links today in the 7 Other Things section. I consume a lot of media so it is quite interesting to see different sources of different news. Non-political news is especially refreshing!

On a related note, CNN’s new owner’s decision to drop CNN+ is disappointing to say the least. It follows the hedge fund strategy of buying media companies and then focusing only on the short term financial aspects. Capitalism has become a quarterly driven construct with little regard for the long term.

I cut the cord a year ago. The only thing I really miss is CNN and now just use the news app. CNN+ at $2.99/ for life was a steal.

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Guess we’ll be getting our prorated money back 🫤.

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Yep. I already complained.

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"... I think it’s extremely valuable to be one of the only places I’m aware of where people who vehemently disagree with each other somehow manage to do so without being at each other’s throats"

This quote of yours, Bill is the essence of Democracy and how our Legislative bodies used to be organized . The continued election of individuals who do not have the agenda of advocating for the greater good of the people of this County will be a disaster for our Country! The Oath of Office each one of them takes and was instilled by the Constitution in our republic says it all. Unfortunately, very few of them follow that simple guideline!

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Just yesterday it occurred to me how refreshing and novel it would be if someone would start offering evening and morning news just the way I believed it was done in my childhood (whether my perception was accurate then or not) - offered with a sincere and devoted effort at impartiality and factually accuracy and highly thoughtful regard for things like privacy, respect, kindness to fellow humans. No yelling. No insults. No snark. No allowing opinions to interfere with reporting what is happening. Just grade A journalism. I wonder if that is possible. I wonder if there is a market for it in society today.

I must be getting old… I miss “the good old days”, even those years when we had presidents and congressional majorities I disagreed with profoundly. I even thought those politicians were crooks…but the society around me was held together by kindness and respect nonetheless

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Walter Cronkite

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Chet Huntley and David Brinkley.

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I miss them all!

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I think the 1440 Daily Digest is supposed to be just that. I haven't read them yet, but I believe they promote themselves as strictly objective, no commentary, etc. Maybe check it out.

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I will. I miss holding a real newspaper in my hand. Something with a price I coukd afford every day. The NYT delivers but it is $80/month. I subscribed for a year.

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Oh Patricia, exactly!!

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You and The Morning Brew. The only two newsletters I read ever day simply because you both are right in the middle of the aisle.

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For Texas to install security camera on those specific spots? They’d better tell their politicians that so they won’t get caught. Or better yet, don’t tell them and see who shows up. Haha

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You’ve made a valid point 😁.

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In my business I have clients from all realms. I let them talk, and if something seems off base, I ask. It’s usually coming from some personal experience, or ignoring/blocking a personal experience. If I can find the source of the vehemence, then everyone can heal.

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As to happier nature in seniors and I thought I was mellowing in my dotage Turns out it’s all due to chemistry in my body Who’ve Thunk

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I just drink more wine which is mellowing. Just had a great Chianti with a salad and pasta with pancetta after a 3 hour hike with my best friend and our poodle. Mmm.

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We live in a new era of outrage where the anonymity of the internet fuels opinionated, mean spirited free speech in a way that doesn’t coincide with how we behave in a face to face interaction that demands more respect and politeness. The perception of many people on both sides of the political spectrum is that this is threatening our democracy.

I took a Women in History class in 1991 where the professor explained that our democracy was designed to slow the process of change. That it was should be difficult to change a law. This article in the Atlantic explains the foundation and intent James Madison wove into our government. It’s especially valuable in times like these where mob mentality rules social media and a divided nation may rip itself apart.

“It was just this kind of twitchy and explosive spread of anger that James Madison had tried to protect us from as he was drafting the U.S. Constitution. The Framers of the Constitution were excellent social psychologists. They knew that democracy had an Achilles’ heel because it depended on the collective judgment of the people, and democratic communities are subject to “the turbulency and weakness of unruly passions.” The key to designing a sustainable republic, therefore, was to build in mechanisms to slow things down, cool passions, require compromise, and give leaders some insulation from the mania of the moment while still holding them accountable to the people periodically, on Election Day.”


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First of all, the Atlantic is a great publication! Second, I agree wholehearted with your assessment of social media. I will further your comments by adding that behavior on social media at some point spills over into face-to-face interactions. That got us to January 6 and many more situations. I fear it will only get worse, especially with voter suppression and the new standard of challenging the credibility of elections.

I’m trying to learn if my Medicaid benefits would be available outside the US!

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Bill, I admire the way you and Kate and Tom handle things that are “more politically based”. You all wiggle through the muck quite nicely. People need to get a grip that their opinion doesn’t matter to me any more than my best friends, NOR any less. I personally don’t care if people don’t agree with me (maybe that’s a fault?). Just don’t care. But at the same time, I will listen and discuss anything with anyone in a rational (OK, maybe mostly) rational tone. If we persist with the attitude that we are “turning off” anyone or anything that we find offensive, then we are part of the problem and not the solution.

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Regarding politics and the diverse nature of your readership...Exactly why I subscribe to and read Understandably. I can get 'talking points' for either (corrupt) side. Having a balanced, well thought out medium is refreshing.

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Do you think all the engineered food shortages is true with all the food processing plants that have burnt down in the US? Just conspiracy hoopla?

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