Never used a leaf blower. The wind or a broom is much quieter. Can't understand millennials...my partner and I are in our 70's and have no trouble with sexual desire.

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There are lots of electric leaf blowers on the market. Now we just need to require their use!

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I mulch cut my leaves into the lawn for natural fertilizer and blow any stragglers into my mulch beds for the same reason. Always save a few to drop in my composter. No need to bag and trash.

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If Musk doesn’t want to make it, has anyone asked Dyson??? Usually their product “suck” (cuz they’re vacuums!), but they do make fans and blow dryers!

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No one would be able to afford it (says the person who loves her V11 stick vacuum), but yes, Dyson would do a much better job!

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Hmmm. That’s an interesting point. Who would/could make it cheaper? Dyson or Tesla? As a fiscal conservative who believes in paying cash for everything (other than my mortgage), I cannot afford anything so far that Musk has made. (Unless his Black Friday sales on cars and trips to outer space are as cheap as Dysons get that one day/year)

I am pro-Capitalistic Competiton between the two, though!

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The box of nails story brings back a bad memory. In August 2012 my two sisters and I were driving from KY to VA to see our brother who was dying of lung cancer. While on I-64 in KY I ran over several nails left on the highway. Several cars had pulled over due to tire damage. I fixed the flat in about 20 minutes with the "donut" spare in the trunk of the rental car. Due to the long distance left to drive I pulled off the highway to a Tire Discounter store and had the tire replaced. Another 90 minutes gone. Upon our arrival at the hospital we were informed our brother had passed 30 minutes prior to our arrival. Nails.

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Am so sorry to hear that 😢

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I think stealth jet packs will lead to stealth leaf blowers 😊

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Our next door neighbor has all battery-operated lawn tools - mower, leaf blower, etc. They are much more considerate that the previous guy who had a tractor and log splitter.

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I use an Ego brand electric leaf blower. No gas to mix, just charge the battery and press a button; it always starts! Pretty darn quiet and NO engine noise, just the fan. On when I want it, off when I don’t.

The battery on my Ego 16” chain saw is interchangeable with the leaf blower. I cut a couple of small bushes my wife wanted removed the other morning while she was still asleep (I have ADD and often do things when I’m inspired, plus, it was cool). It was so quiet she had no idea I has completed the chore.

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You are absolutely right about leaf blowers. They are an abomination.

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Just sent this to my 88-year-old mother who has made a sport of chasing away the leaf blowers at her condo complex (hired by the management company). She claims they regularly show up (6 or more armed with gas powered engines) and blow dirt around in circles for an hour+. She's happy to know she's aligned with the angels on this one. Thank you!

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YOU DON’T NEED TO RAKE OR BLOW YOUR LEAVES!! David Mizejewski, a naturalist at the National Wildlife Federation, told USA Today that leaves can serve as a natural fertilizer. “The leaves fall around the root zone of these plants, where they do things like suppress weeds or other plants from growing that would otherwise compete with the trees and the shrubs,” he said. “They slowly break down and compost right there at the base of the tree [or] the shrub, right above its root zone, where they return nutrients that the plant can then recycle and reuse next spring.” In addition to leaving you with one less chore, skipping the raking prevents bags of leaves from ending up in landfills, where they can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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Here in Beaconsfileld, Quebec (suburban Montreal) leaf blowers are a big deal. They banned them from June to September. It is a hot topic though. We have one, electric model but pay someone to pick up the hoards of leaves in the Fall (we leave some for the animals). Next Spring I will replace the gas mower with an electric. Bit by bit, we are becoming more planet friendly. Everything in our house is electric. We replaced our woodburning fireplace with propane insert (for power outages also which are semi-frequent). We recycle and I drive a hybrid. Far from perfect but progressing. Have a nice weekend.

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Most leaf blowers aren't used to blow leaves. They are used to sweep and are a HUGE time and labor savor. I think that's the bit of math that gets left out of the argument. Would you walk up to those dudes out there in the heat busting their butts and tell them, to their face, to go back to brooms because the sound of their labor saving device is inconvenient to you?

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1. leaves are good for the environment-organic mulch.

2. shred if you must where they fall with a mower, your choice electric or gas

3. forget the 'lawn' altogether...much more peaceful!

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Great suggestions!

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Here's the deal with turbine fans. They are an abominable inventions, predicated on unlimited available power. The only way they work is by spinning at thousands of RPM and beating the air into submission. If you made something like that, driven by human power, you would not give it further consideration - much less get to the point that the turbine whine was deafening. This applies to Roombas, too. Noisy because the power is free.

Sooo... What is wrong with using a double-acting bellows?

Virtually silent.

Not larger than a back-mounted blower.

Powered electrically with an ergonomically-carryable battery.

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A Manual bellows is also torture to the shoulders. You’ll keep me in business for a lifetime. Hahah

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What part of

Powered electrically with an ergonomically-carryable battery.

was not clear??

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I highly recommend the battery powered! But that was said in an earlier comment. I was responding to the raking and bellows comments.

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Part of the year we live in a small subdivision, manicured lawns, etc.

(we're going for more of an organic look). The sound of the Gas powered tools is awful. Our neighbor has now converted to using electric tools, a definite improvement.

Rant over

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Musk is having a team of researchers working on the leaf blower idea right now - seems like he has a God complex to me. I did a quick search and found a 62 decibels leaf blower that currently is on the market… if he can invent a super quite one that would be preferred to not hopefully hear it or can’t be heard over music on a low volume setting on the stereo, then Hurray! Personally, I think that if people are mobile enough, it would be more beneficial for them to rake the leaves up in their own yard for the benefits of stretching and exercise. In addition, also change positions to equal out the body in use of movement, use core muscles while standing up straight, and use gloves to protect the hands from blisters. Getting as much benefits to the task is the goal. Not only did one get a clean yard but also a good all body workout.

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