"From the desk of" is so pompous. My desk sends nothing. Does some idiot think I will be impressed that said idiot has a desk job?

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LOVED the whole take on "Look, I get it"... then you used my favorite... you used ----> BUT very descriptively...

in reference to SCOTUS, I'll just say I recently read an article about polls & those who take them tend to be the most extreme, on both sides perhaps, especially regarding what the poll is about, & how the questions in the poll are worded. I have never responded to a poll, because of the wording. I've seen on my phone incoming calls are from various polling groups in the last 3 months or so & I don't answer.

I previously saw that article about resembling your name over time. Interesting. Several years ago I was active on an on-line group, no one shared photos or personal info. At one point someone suggested we guess physical characteristics of each other. One woman guessed I had a receding hairline & wore glasses. HILARIOUS! I'm female, no glasses... (that's not really related to the article, but it brought up this memory)

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A funny thing is that I think when I see your "dj l" name here I automatically think of a man as well, as I have at least two friends named "DJ," both men. Substack is odd in that I can't click on a comment and see the email address of the person who wrote it ... so for all I know we have emailed back and forth!

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well, do you think I have a receding hairline? Ha - my husband is bald 👨‍🦲

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Why not - tell me three reasons you would not…

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What context?

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I hate the phrase "pet peeve"

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I love this answer.

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My husband and I call the phenomena you describe as the "flag pole effect" because once we installed a flag pole (with flag!) all the other flag poles in a hundred kilometer radius (we're Canadian) suddenly became visible. Not only that but two rural neighbours installed their own flag poles venturing into one upmanship by going, in one case, to food grade stainless steel and in the other, using a hydro type extendable truck/basket to life their pole into a pre-drilled hole. I never noticed "look, I get it" but I sure will now! Your word analysis was accurate. I do believe word choices are important. Thanks for sharing the post as it brought back good memories of our flag pole.

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No problem!

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"Look, I get it" means you have absolutely no idea about me, my needs or wants, or anything else. You turn me off immediately because you're about to tell me why I need something, and it's offensive.

Nora O'Donnell is a truly wonderful anchor. I sincerely hope that she moves up in the TV journalist hierarchy. She deserves her own show. I hate stupid corporate decisions so much.

Starbucks is simply too expensive. There are loads of other places here in NYC where one can get a great cup of coffee (even fancy kinds) without paying such ridiculous amounts; plus, the brand just ain't what it used to be. It's tired.

I'm glad Amazon is being held accountable for something. There are so many things wrong with them.

Okay, grumpy comments over. Have a lovely day!

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I agree with the Starbucks comments. I live in Red Wing and until recently there was no S B 's in town. So I went to Caribou Coffee, where most products are about a third lower in price, maybe more. You can buy a bag of coffee for what you pay at S B's for their fancy smancy latte frappochinos.

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Alas, Caribou Coffee has not made it here yet. I've heard great things about it, and hope they make their way here. We get so many great businesses here last, for a place with such a "happening" (read overpriced) city.

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Which city are you in? Red Wing has another place called Mandy's Restaurant and Coffeehouse that I go to a lot. The food is overpriced and food menu very limited but their caffeinated beverages are good and much cheaper than Starbucks.

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Yes! And what about “I hear you” as another awful phrase. It’s condescending, too!

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Look, I get it, you hate that phrase and so do I. But seriously, the Army marketing debacle reminded me of an episode of "King of the Hill" in which Hank and Barber Bill Dauterive discover that it costs $900 per haircut.

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"Look, I get it" is so arrogant. Not a style that gets my attention in an open listening fashion.

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I see this the exact opposite. I use "Look, I get it" when I feel their argument is so weak I'm signaling its time for them to end it and my next point is now a statement with no further negotiations.

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Starbucks used to have a customer rewards program that was, in a word, rewarding.

They have changed it 2-3 times over the past 10 years and every time they do I let them know in writing that I’m not happy about their direction in that area.

I like the product but hate the feeling I get every time they water down the rewards.

My purchases with them are currently 30% of what they were 5 years ago.

Their loss.


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I liked your comment altho I was never a customer enough to be part of their rewards program. They lose. (uh oh, will someone now say that comment is over-done?)

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I didn't realize until today's letter how widespread the use of LIGI is...it IS annoying.

For me, I'm also really tired of "boots on the ground" (esp in non-boots situations), and "at the end of the day." Can they be retired, please?

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“Look, I get it” always makes me want to ask, “What exactly is it that you get?”

I’m just thankful that I was educated so long ago that such impertinence would have never been considered proper usage under any but the most casual or familiar circumstance. Times change but not necessarily for the better; thus giving you your subject for today, Bill.

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I'm far more disturbed by the overused phrase: "My bad"; no, it's s/b my mistake; or my error or something of that nature that admits personally screwing up!

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Thank u for getting your articles back to my email after a very long absence with my stolen phone. I subscribed years ago and I’m now back on your mailing list somehow. So, thank you. I enjoy reading your insights and thoughtful takes on current events. K.T.

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