What a great story. Even the name Mannequin Madness shows a lot of pluck and creativity. It's 5 am on the pacific coast and between my first cup of coffee and Judi's story - - everything is splendid!

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I had the same reaction to the name Mannequin Madness. It conveys Judi’s entrepreneurial spirit. It’s just past 6am in the mountain region but otherwise same experience. First cup of coffee and Judi’s story was a lovely start to a Monday.

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It reminds me of the insurance commercial where the guy goes to the attic of his new home to find mannequins eerily placed around the room. She certainly has an interesting mind. Not many people could envision a business out of used mannequins.

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I love true life stories with happy endings, especially stories of someone expressing the American can do spirit. Who embody via their personal example America's Land of Opportunity! I was a bit saddened that this lady felt she needed to hide the fact of her age and skin color in order to be successful in business. I am saddened that she is taking advantage of as she says, "the new vogue of anyone of color being awarded". Why can't society simply embrace MLK's colorblindness. Only we can allow other's to divide us. Don't allow other's to make you embarrassed over your particular race.

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I really enjoyed the full interview with Judi!! What an inspiration!

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What a great story. That bit about how she felt older at her old job almost 20 years ago hit home and gave me hope for finding something else to pursuit later in life (planning on retiring from my first career in 9 or so years if all goes well, but would love to contribute to society in some way going forward).

With respect to the 7 Other Things being 1st.....I REALLY didn't like it at first blush, but I think it's actually fine after thinking about it. The main story sticks with me a bit more. But it felt odd...maybe mix it up from time to time either way :).

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Love, love, love this story ! Judi is a fabulous lady and an inspiration !

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What a fun story!

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Still working through the full interview, but I love business tales like this. You don't have to create the new uber or latest silicon valley unicorn.... identify a problem, solve it for people- boom. She's not on the Forbes list but she found a way to fund her life, have flexibility and love what she's doing. America is built on small business!

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I saw your interview with Judy this morning. She’s right. You do ask good questions.

Anyway, Judy had quite a story to tell about her little sideline. Yay hard work and success(and the opportunity to talk with Bill Murphy)!

For obvious reasons I’m very interested in the Moore County, NC power outage story. That part of the state can be really redneck(MAGA). I hope the feds find out who did it. Nasty business knocking power to so many seniors as most of the residents in the affected areas are over 65.

Hope you’re having a great holiday season; that Thanksgiving was tasty and Christmas is just around the corner. Keep up your writing please.

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so many successful entrepreneur stories come out of accidental interactions, or a "what if". I love her story.

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Love the story!

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First, I like the format of the 7 things first. I can scan it, and easily go back to it after I get to “meaty” interview.

Secondly This story exemplifies entrepreneurship at an ingenious level. It is not a high tech business or something created to conquer the world! A smart women saw an opportunity and simply took steps that build it into the success it is! Love it!

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