Hmm - $3.95, which would be about $22.12 today . . .

This morning, you can find 'original examples' in fine condition, with free shipping, on eBay, for about $40 . . . meaning they have appreciated in real dollars!

Who would have guessed you could double your money buying and keeping Pet Rocks?

PT Barnum proved correct again!

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One thing worth knowing today: where to watch the Artemis launch live;


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Or, a place to watch it if it had launched!

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NASA has a two hour-long launch window that opened at 8:33 a.m. ET, has to resolve a temperature problem identified with one of the four liquid-fueled engines.

The agency has back-up launch dates scheduled for Sept. 2 and Sept. 5

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officially just called off for today

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I remember 1975 very well, I was a senior in high school when this ‘craze’ started. If I tried to give a Pet Rock as a gift now, I should be prepared to have it tossed at me! That’s like giving a kid a box of rocks for Christmas. What were we thinking?

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How about a Chi chi Chia pet ?! 😉

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I grew up on the streets of LA. We would have used a pet rock to throw through a storefront and upgrade to a better gift. Nowadays no rock needed, just keep the gift under $750 and take what you want 😎

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One thing…Someone else becomes a millionaire overnight


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Well dang. I had both Mickey and Roger. Oh well. Such is life.

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Nice throw back... Jumping beans added to some of the excitement back then as well ☺️

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Loved the Pet Rock story! Thanks Bill! Hope you’re enjoying your time away. We do miss you!!!

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something worth hearing today from NASA, sound of a black hole:


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Oh yes, I heard that recording. It was eerie to say the least.

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Thank you for the fun retro memory! That was the BEST Christmas. How could you forget Ronco! I got the rhinestone and stud setter and I my dad got the make your own drinking glasses by using the special cutter to the cuts glass bottles! The list of crazy (probably bio hazards) if “toys”. Whammo bubble plastic. The pour in the molds to make edible flowers and bugs, that I burned my hand on. Plus, the plastic goo flower making kit! And the real BEST seller… the MOOD RING ! Love a story of where are they now, and who still has one in their jewelry box?!

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Yup…my family didn’t escape the Mood Ring. We had a gazillion of those lying around. Lol

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Wow…I remember the pet rock! Remember that Christmas very well…I was ten. Luckily, my parents let that one slip by their sensibilities, as I was into little, metal tanks and comic books back then. Lol

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Lord, I remember that pet rock foolishness. I was just artistic enough to create my own “pet”. I really appreciated it because it was the cheapest pet I have ever owned. The downside though was it always seemed a bit cold toward me no matter how much I talked to it. Maybe it was something I didn’t do? I’ll never know at this late date.

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I did receive a pet rock for some occasion. It must have been a pregnant female and now I have an entire collection of pet rocks. I am going to rename them using the 2022 hurricane name list. Hope the global warmers aren't offended too much. None of them have ever been sick or vaccinated. Not selling my harem of rocks because of the taxes. Oops, just tipped off the IRS and might get one of those armed agents wanting to know if I have paid appreciation taxes.

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Had no idea the Pet Rock came with instructions!!

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