Welcome back! And take your time to unwind from unwinding. I always find I wish I had at least one-day buffer between vacation and back-to-normal to recover and prepare.

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First, welcome back Bill. I can see by your writing that your vacation lived up to your expectation and you seem rejuvenated.

Here is my input on the questions you pose....

1. I like the daily 7 other things. Include what you want or that you find the most interesting. Todays were just fine.

2. Should you write about "breaking national news" topics in your dialogue? Probably so. While I get the daily news elsewhere, I like to get your take on it and it spurs good impartial commentary in the reader comments. If you don't have much to say, then move on. Today was just fine.

By the way, I never understood why people from the US were so impacted by happenings of the Royal Family. I guess we're just enamored with Kings and Queens.

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Totally agree with your first two points, but I do think that Americans have a strange connection to the royal family as it is a glimpse of what might have been had we not had a revolution and pulled away from that. There is no denying the strong bond that still exists between our countries.

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Lol! Moon Walking Under Water! A friend sent me this as a possible addition to a water aerobics class I give. Like you, Bill, I am not quite ready but I’m thinking about it!

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Welcome back. Thank you for keeping this newsletter running in your absence. Yes to 7 Things!

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Welcome back Bill, I do not check the news much, and enjoy your highlights and perspectives, as well as the 7 other things, appreciate you and this real source of information thank you!

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I personally enjoy 7 Other Things but really like your idea to offer up unusual things. I read several newspapers and get all the news so this would be a welcome addition. Today’s offering was pretty good.

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Welcome back, Bill.

I don't find it odd at all that people in the UK or Canada would think that the Queen's passing was an important milestone. She was our head of state and the only one I've known in my 57 years on the planet.

No matter what you think of monarchy as an institution, for us Queen Elizabeth has represented unparalleled stability, as well as grace and decency. Compare that to the usual litany of self-aggrandizing conmen and 'bullspitters', full of half-truths, outright lies and breathless spin that we all have to deal with every 4 or so years, and it's not hard for me to understand why people- even in the U.S- are mourning the loss.

Throw in a bit of the unknown around Charles and his ability to inspire people in the same way, and maybe there's a bit of mourning for the institution itself. I don't expect many Americans to get that part but to me, a republic headed by a line of skeevy, mostly interchangeable politicians is a lesser thing. There's probably a bit of fear in the mourning for Her Majesty, that we're now slightly closer to following you down that governmental road.

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One of the reasons I read Understandably is because it doesn’t include an up to the minute regurge of news and headlines.

Sure, someone will complain if you don’t include at least one mention of a top news item. On the other hand, there are way too many news outlets flooding my inbox for me to worry about whether one of the most creative writers I enjoy is keeping us up on the news.

“7 Things” is perfect and fulfills the need for stuff you can’t read just anywhere.

Sally forth! (My nod to the Brits)

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Welcome back, Bill! You were missed.

Queen Elizabeth’s death is a significant event, even though we Americans are almost three-hundred years removed from the British monarchy. Does it effect you and me directly? Maybe; maybe not. Indirectly, however, the effects may be many, and in ways we cannot yet anticipate or see.

Per the 7 Things, it’s value is in its ability (purpose?) to get us to both see and consider things that may or may not have been on one’s radar. I appreciate not only the 7 Things, but the time that you put into curating what we eventually see.

The Queen is dead. God save the King.

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Welcome back Bill! I just wanted you to know that I really love and read your 7 other things and often click on the link for more information. Hope fully you continue with them!

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I love the 7 other things. It is the Yin to your main essay Yang. For me, it’s the buried treasure, the “what’s behind door #2-8”, the wonderful surprises that often also fill my day with happiness and thought.

I don’t care if they include the day’s current news or not. As others have mentioned, your take and curation make them all savory.

Certainly sometimes they will include something from the noteworthy news du jour. other times it’s belly flops and underwater moonwalking. It’s a “Bill’s Chef’s Surprise”, and I’m one to turn to my server at a restaurant and say, “Surprise me. I want the chef’s best.”

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Welcome back home! Appreciate your efforts to provide an essay daily. However, if you need to really get away, I believe we understand if you go "off the grid" for a few days to spend time with family. I admit, I missed the 7 other things. Maybe just 3 other things daily?

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You’re right this is not a democracy based on a small smattering of opinions and comments.

No one thus far has said, I will unsubscribe if you eliminate the “7 other Things” — and I am sure your open rates remained consistent during “Low Power Mode,” which makes the case for actually how valuable is the return on your time????

Bottom line: One should LOVE every aspect of what you do because it’s your passion and not an obligation that turns into something you resent….even better…outsource to someone who gets a bigger kick out of it than you. (Full disclosure: I am at a similar juncture with my podcast and creating the “visual recaps” for every episode…especially because at this season of my life the bandwidth is just not there to do it all so I am looking to delegate it off my plate.)

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I agree. While I appreciate the essay, the 7 other things keeps me from digesting other news sources. I don’t feel like I have to. I’m the past 2 weeks I listened and read more news, and I hated it. It doesn’t make me feel good. The news you bring is both informative and interesting!

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I read all the comments above mine before writing this. I say this because it will seem that I didn’t.

Personally, I don’t get the whole fascination with British Monarchy here in the States. Some lady on NextDoor, yesterday, talked about how shattered she was at the Queen’s passing.

I’m shattered at the passing of people who had hard, tragic lives…the junky who was born into a life of abuse and never figured out how to remove themself from this downward spiral…the child who was shot in their classroom due to challenges in our society they hadn’t even grown to understand or affect. The single mother of three, working multiple jobs who was ripped from her children by a drunk driver one night on the way home.

Things like this shatter me…not a woman who never had to dress herself for 96 years, who sat on a chair feigning empathy while others made the decisions. What a terrible loss? No…she lived a full, entitled life. Good on her, I’m not bitter…but shattered? Nah.

Say what you will about the terrible, duplicitous, shysters we deal with every 4 years, but they share one commonality: passion. It may be passion for the other team, but hey…at least they do what they do for a higher cause. Yes, I despise one side and support the other, but I still choose either over indifference.

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Bill, Perhaps a major impact event such as the passing of Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III could warrant a sharing of links to reader reviewed links (written, video) in a special week long feature that follows 7 Other Things.

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I prefer the oddities among the 7 things ... the major stories are all covered elsewhere and I know where to find those. For me, the value of someone like you providing links is that you’re looking under a lot of stones, and you’re sharing the interesting things you find under those stones. As for the monarchy: yawn! I think there should be an interregnum after the death of a monarch (especially one who reigned so long) to consider whether the system still makes sense. Put it to a vote!

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