Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

When I grew up in Philadelphia,PA we would get sleds and toboggans for Christmas and use them several times per year. But in 1968, all of that ended. It wasn’t climate change at that point. It was pollution. In 1970 both Phila and NYC experienced Pollution Week where the hospitals were suddenly full of people who struggled to breathe. Soon afterwards, Nixon initiates the EPA.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Mr Murphy. Good morning. Like your observations enough to have upgraded to paid.

Some days I receive the free version, some days the paid version arrives. It’s erratic, not terribly upsetting in the grand scheme or things, but perplexing.

Is there a setting I’m missing? They’re not in GMail spam o4 trash…

Dan Gawronski


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I will look this up and email you thank you for your support!

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A while back a co-worker bought a new Ford Escape. She was so proud of her new car. Less than 2 weeks later she had to return to the dealership due to the loud rattling noise. The car was in the shop for about a week. It's not a big deal that Ford got the patent. Most of the unpleasant conditions described already exist in Ford models coming off the assembly line.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

As for electricity, it not just the lack of electricians (though that’s clearly an issue) but also the electrical grid is very old and with electric cars, soon only electrical heat will be putting so much pressure on the grid, that the experience of the Great Blackout of 1965, may be more prevalent.

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School bus cancellations due to inclement weather happen often enough in Northern Ontario, but snow 🎿 days are no longer fun days. They are virtual learning days. Some classes aren’t as easy to do in the virtual world, welding, for example. Last-minute announcements of snow days make virtual learning difficult. It takes a different kind of prep for the virtual method of teaching. Connectivity is problematic too. No fun, eh?

A side note, school bus routes are frequently cancelled due to a lack of bus drivers. Recruitment woes abound.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

One of my fraternity brother’s daughters lives in Denver having grown up in North Carolina and is a teacher. She told her father “ We had 4 inches of snow and school wasn’t closed or even delayed”, which elicited the following response:

“Congratulations! You now live in a state that knows how to move snow other than hoping for warmer femperatures and sun”

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We lived in Maine in the early 60s when I was growing up. We would often wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a snake plow. That’s how we knew we had snow. I don’t recall many snow days there or the three years we lived in Germany. When you regularly have snow you learn how to manage the removal.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

A car that can drive itself back from whence it came!!! That would be great to invent for politicians, a device that would escort them back from whence they came!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Say it with me now,



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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I guess it all depends on where you live! The Sioux Falls, South Dakota school district just last week set new records for the number of snow days (5) and late starts (5) in a school year. And our winter isn’t over yet, so who knows if those numbers will change!

Our area is quite adept at snow removal, but we’ve gotten a couple of major blizzards that require everyone to just stay put until it’s safe to plow. A few of the days weren’t necessarily due to snow but to temperatures— no school when the windchill drops below -40 because it’s so unsafe to send people out in that cold.

No virtual learning during snow days either because there are many homes that don’t have internet service or enough devices for each of their children. During the pandemic, we found that virtual learning places an undue burden on older children who are trying to learn and care for younger siblings while parents are at work. So, all that to say, plenty of old-fashioned snow days for my kids this year!!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I grew up on the Prairies. Took a LOT of snow to cancel anything. Now I live on the West Coast of Canada and an inch of snow closes things down. Mind you it's mire the icy roads now covered on snow that is the issue. And now with WFH so common, we don't get snow days unless power or internet go down.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Snow days were always a special treat when I was growing up, and an unexpected gift. Virtual learning is only meh. No one wants to return to the days when stressed parents had to oversee kids while trying to do their own work at the same time. One or two days off is good for everyone. I say keep snow days alive!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I live in AZ which probably leads people to assume we do not have snow days. However, we may be one of the few places that still has real snow days. I should clarify i live in the northern part of the state at a higher elevation where we get a fair amount of snow. Despite the the fact we get snow somewhat regularly we are not good at clearing roads and most AZ drivers are not adept at driving in these conditions. I grew up in New England and am comfortable driving in winter conditions. We are also typically ranked about 48th in the country in education. Not sure if that is connected to the fact we don’t do due virtual school on snow days, but I suspect they are related. The result is my teenage son gets real snow days. He checks google classroom. Some teachers give assignments. Some don’t. Today is a glorious snow day. He will sleep in, we will catch a premiere league game live and watch the season 3 premiere of Mando. He is a smart, responsible and proactive student. He will do fine in life despite being in a less intense or competitive environment. I wish more kids (and parents) still got unplanned breaks.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Your story about a snowy day, a snowman and your dog made me smile. It's very touching and sweet, and it's wonderful that you have such memories. This article made my day today, thank you for your work!

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Burnout? 30-40 somethings are burned out now?

Too many participation trophies as a kid. Too much coddling, not enough work ethic.

Grow up.

Interesting article today, Bill. Enjoyed it.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

We are still doing snow days here in Austin, TX -- a lot of them, in fact. The past three years have seen my kids out of school for ice/snow 2-5 days each, which is historically unusual for us. So far, our school districts haven't decided to go virtual on those days, so we spend them playing in the snow and building fires in the fireplace. For better or worse, the city of Austin does not own snowplows or a coordinated ice storm response aside from closing everything and keeping us warm-weather folks off the roads. All things change, all good (and bad) things come to and end, so we'll soak it up while we can.

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There is no response to ice storms. It’s the great equalizer!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

You want more snow, or snow days? Just come to California - we've got plenty of both this year!

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