I like your newsletter because it is unique and could only be written by you. You share the things that YOU find interesting-whether it is health, business, personal, historical, etc-and because you share them through your lense, it is interesting to your readers! Who cares whether it is easy to describe? Who cares whether any other writer thinks it is a good newsletter? Your readers keep coming back because we like what you provide: your personal take on all of these various subjects. It is always interesting. Thanks for doing what you do!

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I love the unpredictable, quirky nature of the newsletter now. It's a positive, interesting, and entertaining start to an otherwise mundane day (most of the time). I get plenty of business content elsewhere, so I love stories like today's of unexpected twists that led to something bigger and the backstories of people and things we take for granted. I've read your work since before this newsletter was a thing, and I look forward to continuing - whatever changes you may make.

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Different is interesting. I read the NYT and several other news sources daily. Your newsletter offers up content that I won’t see anyplace else. I especially enjoy 7 Other Things that offer similar quirkiness.

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I do not respond often. However the newsletter for me.. it is just easy to read and small content. Less than 5 mins of reading and often offers a perspective to consider beyond the context of reading time...

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I really appreciate the variety of the unknown of what’s coming. Personally I always really enjoy the historical references that are tied to today’s topics. However, the common sense, easily readable and digestable nature of the content always keeps me coming back. Almost everyday I feel I have learned something new or got me thinking about something I should be thinking about. A great way to start the day, getting a little smarter (hopefully) and often with a little laugh.

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The thing I like the most about your daily/weekly/? newsletter is that you are a good writer. That's it. Plain and simple.

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I look forward to see where you will take us. It is fun to have content that expands knowledge while entertaining. Not many sites doing that so you are a gift!

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The Gulf of America!!! What’s next…..The United States of Trumpland!

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And Greenland, and the canal, and Canada, and…?

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Bill, et al,

First, unpredictable is wonderful in this context. You've always done a wonderful job of not only presenting all sorts of stories and subjects, but have done so in a personable way that welcomes us in.

Second, I don't believe in luck, fortune, or any other sort of impersonal fate, but reading this story, from the perspective of a pastor, for the second time is just a wonderful example of God's providence. You yourself pointed out all of the decisions/events that had to line up just right for you to be there at the right time, and still run past the child just in the nick of time. Those sorts of moments are bigger than just what happened in the proverbial moment. They're meant to catch our attention, and draw us to reflect. And IMHO, are meant to humble us and draw us to the Almighty, Father God. But that's just my take. Happy to follow up with you more, but just wanted to share all of that.

Back to "Understandably" or whatever you might rename it all to be, just keep it going as long as it brings you joy and life, and isn't a drain. It's one of two or three emails I look forward to seeing in my inbox every morning, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment. Thank you for sharing your gift.

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Great newsletter! I like all of the stories. However I don't read the "other things worth knowing today" because although you do an excellent job summarizing the news it seeps in through other ways, so it's not news to me.

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Please stop messing with your newsletter! 😀 it’s great as it is. I love it. You have been on a quest of some sort to try to perfect it over the last year including the Big Optimism stint. Don’t overthink it. The newsletter is great. The content is great. Please don’t change it. It’s all good! One of my favorite parts of the day!

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I absolutely LOVE the huge variety of topics that you find to pull together in such an uplifting, enjoyable, informative way!! I think your friend was right - you kind of have several weekly newsletters. Why not organize it so that each weekday is actually a different newsletter? I don’t know, maybe like Mindful Monday, Tuesday’s Tools, etc?

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I love the personal stories you include in your newsletters. Maybe because I grew up in NJ and feel a connection. I do believe that things happen for a reason and as you explained in today newsletter, the sequence of things that happen that lead you to an event don't seem to be a coincidence but guided by a higher power. I also feel that whatever we experience in our life, good or bad, is meant to give us insight and strength to handle what is to come.

I also love that you include 7 other things worth knowing. I'm very busy with work these days and when I'm home I hate watching the news, so your newsletter gives me a glimpse of what's going on in the world and I don't have to sit through depressing news and videos. Thank you for that!

I can't wait to see the new format for your newsletter!

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I enjoy the newsletter as is - keep the political talk to a minimum as we can get that elsewhere - your newsletter brings to light subjects we most likely wouldn't get from other sources

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I don't remember how I ran across your daily newsletter, however, I'm glad I did. It always has something that is interesting, thought provoking or just plain entertaining. Thanks for the opportunity to read every morning. Great way to start a day!

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Bill, I’m on the West Coast,(Portland OR), and I’ve just finished reading all the comments. A familiar saying comes to mind...”Don’t fix what isn’t broke.” Cheers! You’re awesome and so is your newsletter!

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