About a quarter of students in an organic chemistry class at New York University signed a petition against their renowned 84-year-old professor, claiming the class was simply too hard. NYU responded by letting the students withdraw from the class, and firing the professor. (NYT)

Note to self, get the names of those students and make sure they never operate on any of my loved ones. It was an Orgsnic Chem class, it is supposed to be hard. Most of those students didn’t show up to class, do the readings or watch the videos he assigned. Welcome to the era of laziness and entitlement. We’re doomed.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

It was interesting to see the University took action to fire the prof based on 25% negative feedback. I was blissfully unaware that 25% represented a majority, or that university staffing was determined by referendum.

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Kevin, look around. This is the way now. The smallest percent of the population, with the biggest mouths and a lawyer willing to sell his soul for money, rather than have integrity, is all that is needed these days. I see it in both HS and College Sports, it's in all levels of politics, big corporations. The Colleges and Universities are breeding grounds for elitism, virtue signaling and thin skinned, whining kids who will be coddled and not held accountable for anything when they get out of college...including their loans. When the laziest kids in the class can get a professor fired, and make it his fault they are failing, their parents need to be held accountable. They bred these brats.

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“…he pioneered a new method of instruction that relied less on rote memorization and more on problem solving.”

I agree. What a bunch of whining, pampered children. I hope they crash and burn when they get to medical school.

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I would suggest that better decisions are made after the hormone driven age in personal long term relationships. I tend to assess and evaluate near exhaustion, but feel better about my choices by projection likelihood.

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So sad that 75 percent of the students won’t have the opportunity of being taught by that professor because of whining lazy moronic students. Nothing democratic or fair about it!

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Ugh terrible! Doesn’t the University have any other way to deal with this ? Like allowing those that did not like it leave ?

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