That's an easy one Bill. I've always believed that you don't want to be looking over your shoulder at who's firing at you from behind when the time comes to go to battle, and that time will come. Treat your employees well and when the time comes that you need to ask them to go over and above, you'll have people who are willing to help. If they're treated poorly, they will resent you every day and be glad to stick it to you when the time comes that you need their help.

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Right on, Herb!

Just watching from the outside you can see the deterioration of the entire airline.

And the quick “fixes” are nothing but stopgap until they address the real problem.

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Now I feel as though I missed something over the weekend in the comments section. But I trust your judgement, Bill, and you’ll figure this out.

Employees are the backbone of every company. Treat them right and the company will stand tall.

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Negative reinforcement is what they used for slavery. Fear, disrespect, cruelty, and shame are a terrible way to run a business. When the entire company is open and friendly, with plenty of perks and jokes and maybe dance breaks (yes really, we used to do them before COVID), everyone is happier, and the bottom line goes up. It's good for business. If you want to make more money, make sure that everyone who works at your company (including you) feels valued and liked and respected.

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I want to work at a company with dance breaks!

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Totally agree with Herb! Worked at FedEx 30 years ago- People - Service - Profit. Still proud to have worked there. Felt valued, empowered to provide excellent customer service and we all shared in the profit.

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Hi Bill

Source unknown.. . A business that treats it's customers better than its employees will soon have neither.

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There are more employees than stockholders and a recognized and valued employee is where the money comes from.

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Hire well, hire people who believe in the work, the product, and the rest will follow. Preach.

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Herb Kelleher not only talked about employees coming first, but he walked that talk at all times. He trusted the employees to do the right thing for the customer and the company. He encouraged the flight crews that added jokes to their announcements and all sorts of silliness like using puppets in the their passenger emergency briefing. The result was passengers actually listening while they smiled and laughed. More than once, changes in bosses have turned a job I loved into drudgery. I don't know who is the author of "what's good for business is good for the people." I think that's backwards.

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When I walk in a business, whether it's a restaurant, a bank or other customer centered business, and I see employees paying more attention to their smart phone than the customer I don't think "what a horrible employee" I think "what a horrible management team". Employees must be informed of the expectations placed on them. The company must then reinforce that with total support of the employee. The employee is rewarded for superior performance and customers return. Employees first indeed.

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I worked for one company 42 years and in management for twenty of those years. I recently retired. The attitudes and behaviors of owners, managers, employees, and customers have changed over the years. Unfortunately, over the past few years I have observed a lack of constructive communication and respect among all those involved in many industries, including retail, healthcare, insurance, and travel. I seek opportunities to work with/buy from locally owned businesses, where I am appreciated as a customer and, hopefully, I am helping out a local family business.

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Everything that means anything in any organization, whether government, for profit or non-profit, starts with employees who have bought into what leadership is trying to accomplish. Without this buy in, there will never be success.

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"No one wants to work anymore," can usually be translated to "People are fed up with being treated like doormats."

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Totally employees! I loved Herb! I think Greg Kelly tried really hard to keep the culture but did lose it a bit. I still would fly with them. With remote work, aren't employers, making it about their employees? I think employees would be happier if they were back with their colleagues.

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I worked in a law firm back in the 70’s. While I was there, h there was always a new employee about every other month. After I left (hopefully no correction), the younger attorneys got together and proposed profit sharing with the staff. It was adopted and when I went back a few years later the same people were there! They said they were very picky who they hired and the profits doubled, because when they needed all hands on deck to do research or check files - literally everyone volunteered! Absolutely, be careful when hiring, then employees first.

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Herb Kelleher is the best. I always had the highest regard for him and for Southwest. Anytime I traveled, I would fly Southwest, if they went to that destination. I will still sitck with them even in light of the chaos from the holidays because I have been their customer for so many years and they never disappointed. Here’s hoping Southwest can return to the great company it once was.

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