Actually the rule of 3 starts in childhood……”you have until the count of 3!”

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Thanks for your service! No service is small.

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Marine Corp Birthday and Veterans Day are my two favorite days of the year. My oldest son joined the Marines in 2002 (4 years svc), my youngest joined the Army in 2005 (9 years svc). Both of which did two tours in Iraq. I have a dozen of stories that are gut wrenching for a military Mom. I'm blessed that both my sons came back with all their body parts. It's not just the danger and sacrifices these folks make, their day-to-day life is no cakewalk. My Marine Corp son got tired of me trying to understand what it's like in Iraq when its 130 degrees outside. He told me " Mom, on the hottest summer day in Houston, put on your warmest clothes, put a backpack full of books and put it on your back, go outside at 4:00 in the afternoon, run down the street and back, now get someone to take a plate full of the finest sand you can find and have them use a blow dryer at the hottest setting and have them blow it into your face. That is what it feels like in Iraq.". That is an example of what our service members do on a regular day when not much else is going on. Thank everyone you see that has a military hat on. They deserve our thanks and gratitude -- each and every one of them !!!

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Bless you and your two fine sons. All three of you are what keep this country strong.

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Happy 247th birthday Marines! Ahead of Veteran's day, here's my virtual salute to all the veterans reading Understandably.

Thanks for sharing the Corps' Rule of 3! I like how you've put it in perspective of our history, culture and religion. I think it makes perfect sense to apply the rule of 3 to simply and organize things. I remember sounding off with "God, Country, and Duty" after graduating the Army's Advanced Camp decades ago. I'm too old to count to 4...lol.

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Wait. Didn’t they go down to the rule of 2? Two teams, one per raft? Not the rule of 4, right?

Happy Birthday Marines!!

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And you did list 4 lessons …

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That was intentional tho!

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I was wondering. Thanks for the nice article

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Bill, I always learn something good here.

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My brother, a proud Marine has since passed. I was Army. My other brother Navy & among the “three of us,” all proud to serve as the few. It’s with pride collectively as a soldier, sailor & MARINE.

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