Now I know why I was humming ‘The Great Escape’ theme song this week! A totally awesome favorite movie of mine. Excellent display of entrepreneurship for sure.

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I agree the Great Escape was so popular was the genius ideas and expertise. I just finished a book about the WWII Displaced Persons Camps. Though it was historical fiction, the author well researched the genius these former POW’s used to get by in these camps due to the lack of resources. Humans can really be quite amazing.

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On another note, I love the 7 extra things and collect all kinds of interesting tidbits of news. However, it seems like very one is on vacation, as all the tidbits I’ve seen are reruns.

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This is somewhat off subject but makes us ponder the chain if events in life. When I was 10 years old my Father went with a friend for a boat ride on Lake Michigan. They encountered some bad weather and the boat sank, he was never found and never heard from again, ironically he was a life guard on Chicago beaches during the summer months while he was in college. He was also a strong athlete. His story can be found https://drive.google.com/file/d/18TbiiG_QTSsofrfb4lBQoaz5I9VWtAy9/view?usp=drivesdk here.

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You wrote that you can help with the story writing..can you please explain. Thank you

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I’m thoroughly enjoying these reruns of Understandably… as these are all new to me !!

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Worth knowing:


posted on Twitter by Elon Musk, him saying it will happen again, just a matter of time.

Sixty-six million years ago, our distant ancestors lived through perhaps the most violent event in Earth's history. How did a band of small, insignificant mammals scuffling in the shadows survive the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs?

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My submission for the 7 things worth knowing today.

As the advertising slogan goes, “Good things grow in Ontario.” I can't help but sing a little when I see that slogan as I have heard it so often. Good things grow in Québec too. Our provinces are great for berry crops.


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My father landed at and survived Normandy. He was fighting in Europe for the next year. Along the way he was captured for three days and was awarded the Silver Star. I only heard him talk about his experience in Europe once or twice. He’s now buried at Arlington National Cemetery. The greatest generation for sure.

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One thing of note, it took imagination and teamwork to accomplish any escape you mentioned and not a one of them had an electronic babysitter. There’s a lot to be said for growing up without them perhaps?

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Sadly, we may need many of these skills in the future of Amerika.

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I commented before, and find this newsletter extremely interesting, even though I not a paid subscriber. This is just a passing comment, and not a complaint, but I've come to realize, accidently....my favorite part is the 7 things you need to know! I know your on low power...and I appreciate it..but I really miss the 7 things!! Rgds Pete

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Good article. Loved the Movie, just watched it recently.

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Bill did the attachment open from my gmail?

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