Very good. This is worth a newsletter all on its own: “a friend who had never seen this sketch”

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O.M.G. Those guys were so funny. I remember watching them my first year of college. And all their movies. John Cleese was the consummate actor. His Faulty Towers is an annual binge watch for us.

Only John could write a eulogy like that, much less deliver it with a straight face.

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I love British humor.

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Great one today. One of my fav’s. Not accepting facts very appropriate in todays environment. Chapman was such a loss too early! Thanks for bringing this up and making relevant!

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Thanks for the early morning chuckle! May it bring twinkles to the eyes of all readers!

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That brought back a lot of Monty Python memories, Bill…though quite hazy, it gave me a good chuckle today.

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Loved Monty Python. Haven't seen it for many years. The Parrot and the Lumberjack sketches were brilliant.

Wr have people in our area who load up shopping carts in Wal-Mart and just walk out the store without paying. I don't understand the thinking that this is acceptable behavior.

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A laugh a day, haha keep it simple.

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the best response to retail gaslighting is to cause an enormous scene and annoy the shit out of the enemy...bravo!

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Great laugh, thanks. I love Monty Python, Life of Brian is my favorite as i hail from that part of the world! I suppose a wiser shopkeeper would have asked the veterinarian he appointed certify that the parrot was in fact alive.

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I love today's newsletter, Bill. Great message. And what a treat to revisit this classic comedic skit... one of my favorites that I had long forgotten. Thanks for bringing a big smile to my face today.

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Thanks for the permission. I did laugh!

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Oh, don’t get me started on Monty Python. I get unbearable. Lol In college I had buddies who would recite lines for what seemed like hours on end, in their silly Monty Python accents. I didn’t understand it……

….until I became one of them. Something clicked one day and it all made sense, then I regularly joined in on the cacophony. To this day I will start reciting lines.

The killer rabbit and the taunting French from the Holy Grail just slay me.

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My brother and I had a great laugh over this article. He then proceeded to say the next line that Cleese delivered in Chapman's eulogy, which referenced the first use of the word sh!t on the BBC and thus he should use the f bomb at the funeral as another first 😃

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British comedy sometimes leaves me cold but the eulogy-the eulogy made me LOL! Loved it.

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Thank you for this article. It was a treat to go back and remember just how funny they are/were.

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