Good morning everyone! As I sit here enjoying my second cup of coffee on Canada Day, I ponder what is missing from Understandably. While a newsletter can't be all things to everyone, I do think part of the newsletter should be dedicated to be a good news file. Kindness endeavors abound. We just don't hear a lot about them as they are not sensationalized.

As for my kindness endeavor to encourage people to subscribe to my friend Mitch Jean's YouTube channel, things are progressing along nicely. A few days ago, Mitch had 733 subscribers. That number has grown to 804 subscribers. I thank all the readers of Understandably who went ahead and subscribed to Mitch's YouTube channel. I particularly enjoyed the comments I read about Understandably subscribers loving Canada and having subscribed to Mitch's YouTube channel. There's still some good people out there, eh?

Those of you that haven't subscribed yet, please do. It's free to do so. Here is the link for you: https://www.youtube.com/c/MitchJean

I look forward to the Cheers to Friday! live stream tonight on YouTube and Facebook (sound better on YouTube, of course:)) from 8-10 pm ET. Please join your friendly neighbors for tonight's live stream is a special Canada Day edition.

Cheers to Friday!


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Happy Canada Day!

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As someone who once received an envelope filled with confetti as a Christmas gift from an employer, I know all about bad bonuses lol.

Reading today's Understandably restores some of my faith in humanity about a loyal 27-year employee of Burger King getting a great bonus of $270,000 in the way donations from strangers after getting the saddest gift in history from his employer.

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I enjoy reading positive news. My 2¢ is to avoid politics and religion - essentially anything where opinions can be unalterable, unproductive, and lead to civil discord. There is plenty of that in other comment sections. I personally come here to get away from all that and Simone of the (many) reasons I avoid things like FB and NextDoor.

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I'm hearing no comments which say that SCOTUS decided that there is NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION to guarantee access to abortion. SCOTUS DID NOT ban abortion - they just referred it back to the law-making bodies. I learned in high school that legislative MAKES the laws, judiciary INTERPRETS the laws, and executive ENFORCES the laws. Our current judiciary interpreted that the constitution does not guarantee abortions. It's now up to the legislative to codify it - if they have the fortitude.

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Why do you have to start this talk again? Can’t we just all get along?

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The Constitution does not even mention the word “woman”. The issue is not the medical procedure, it is the right to privacy - which is in the Constitution.

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Indeed. Your right to privacy should supersede.

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I don't think you are missing anything. I subscribed to your newsletter because I enjoy starting my day with your diverse editorial. Whether it's a memory of how your bride came to be or the life of a tortoise, it's thought provoking. Then 7 other things it touches on the news high points (just the facts) without me having to sift through someone else's agenda. I like it all, at lot! Yes, comments get a little spicy sometimes, but my son's, both of whom served multiple tours in Iraq, tell me that they joined the service to reserve the right for 'we the people' to be anything we want - some of us just want to be jerks :-). It's all good!

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I’d love to hear others thoughts and suggestions to homelessness. Just housing isn’t the answer. It’s a larger issue and will take some real fortitude to solve.

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The Hunter Biden circus that has been swept under the rug.

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There are plenty of places you can go to meet you needs for conspiracy theories other than here.

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Didn’t 50 former intelligence agents determine that story was “Russia disinformation” 😎

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A Poll Of 1000 People Indicates How Millions Feel? Mind Control Nonsense!

Happy 4th (Written While Oiling My Winchester)

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Police blotter:

10:10 pm.

Suspicious people were reported doing things with flashlights by the side of North 5th St and Custer. A deputy checked and found the people were not suspicious, but merely Canadians. The out-of-Towners were merely having an evening stroll.

Haha. Only in the US.

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

One of our biggest problems is creating more inexpensive, base loaded electric power that doesn't also raise CO2. Very little is written about the benefits of nuclear power particularly relative to other sources.

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I believe it is part of our future.

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Hmmm this isn't working the way I'd hoped but it's my fault. I suppose I'd had in my mind things like:

Local stories that deserve a national audience, or

"Thing I read about that seems really interesting but hasn't dominated the news," or

Cool trend I've noticed that hasn't really been written about much yet.

I probably should have just phrased the questions that way! My bad.

Behind the scenes to be frank, this is what happens when the newsletter I had originally planned to write for Friday fell through ... and then the backup thing I intended to write also fell through... and it was approaching 1 a.m.

I thought, "well, just ask the question without the essay you'd planned leading into it, and see what happens."

This is also why I am trying to get some great contributors involved, so as to take the weight off on days like today.

Have a great weekend everyone. I do plan to have a Fourth of July email so don't forget to open it! :)

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I like all of these suggestions:

Local stories that deserve a national audience, or

"Thing I read about that seems really interesting but hasn't dominated the news," or

Cool trend I've noticed that hasn't really been written about much yet.

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I went searching for pro-choice Republicans. Found this article from NY Magazine detailing "when Roe v. Wade came down in the early 1970s, a majority of the GOP was pro-choice. It took decades for Republican officials to become almost monolithically opposed to abortion rights."

doing cut and paste here as a synopsis:

"Ironically, abortion rights as we know them are, to a considerable extent, the product of Republican lawmaking at every level of government. The most obvious examples are the two Supreme Court decisions that established and reaffirmed a constitutional right to abortion. Of the seven justices who supported Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that struck down pre-viability-abortion bans, five were appointed by Republican presidents, including the author of the majority opinion, Harry Blackmun, and then–Chief Justice Warren Burger. All five justices who voted to confirm the constitutional right to pre-viability abortions in 1992’s Planned Parenthood v. Casey were appointed by Republican presidents as well."

"...By 2018, every pro-choice House Republican had been defeated or had retired."


The article is a worthwhile read. So much history I did not know.

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It’s all politics and scams to fire up a base and get re-elected. And distract from other news.

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The scam issues targeting seniors and their life’s stories/dreams. These types of scams also target the general public.

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My mom received a text about fraud on her credit card. Thankfully, she called me. Since I handle all their finances I would know first via alerts.

I blocked my caller ID and called the number in the text. They wanted all the basic info to “verify” the card: card #, SS, pin, birthdate, Zip Code. I entered bogus info and held while they “verified” my info. They came back and said my card was reactivated and no further action necessary.

So many older people will fall for that out of fear.

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You should do a piece on Team Trees and or Team Seas. While they both have a social media presence among younger audiences, they are both great causes that I think affect everyone living on earth.

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Also as a homeless person living on the streets of Portland Oregon I think some national attention to the victories and hurdles the city faces would be good. Portland is more than Antifa and BLM protests.

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