Thanks for a cool story. I had not seen the Target ad as we no longer use cable or broadcast TV. Marketing genius!

Re the Dominican Republic deportation story, what a horrible, inhumane way to treat human beings. It is beyond my capabilities to comprehend must this must feel like to those effected.

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Is Elon Musk really worth that much or is it all Tesla stock options? I always how much of the billionaires wealth is in actual cash and not just in paper.

I feel bad for the deported people but I bet they have been living with that threat for a long time. Hard to go back to Haiti, but that country needs to get it's sh*t together so people don't want to leave. And that comes f on the common person not the military.

Haven't seen the Target ads but don't live in the US

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Can I also say the story about Blake Lively disgusted me. Neither party is innocent but the story manipulators deserve a special place in hell. What has happened to common decency? Respect for your fellow persons?

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This holiday season take time to think of the other reindeer who are starving at Christmas. Everyone leaves a carrot for Rudolph. This year, leave a bunch of for the whole team! Merry Christmas everyone.

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Merry Holidays Bill and family.

Frankly, I’m glad I self-deported as The Grinch came in November and is determined to throw crap all over the living room before dinner. At least I’m where I can get fresh fruit, eggs and veggies; all local and all very reasonable.

Now, have got to go pack to get ready to drive to that big city where the Big Dig is located and hope the family doesn’t hold me personally responsible for the latest outrage by the Grinch.

Catch you in the New Year.

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Lucía Etxebarría, a Spanish writer and journalist, says in X.com that "despite claims in the German press, Taleb Al Abdulmohsen is NOT an ex-Muslim atheist, nor is he a fan of AfD or Elon Musk.

While he may have spread this misinformation himself, Taleb aligns himself with the practice of Taqqiye. Taqqiye is an Islamic doctrine that allows lying and deception to promote Islamic goals.

Actually, Taleb is a radical Shia Muslim, as evidenced by his name and the numerous tweets and leaked chats circulating on Arabic-speaking platforms such as X.

A Saudi woman had already pointed out Taleb's plans to carry out mass killings of Germans to German police. Tragically, the police ignored her warnings".

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Iranian/German entrepreneur and producer Maral Salmassi says the same

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