An hour after publication and no comments…does it have anything to do with the elephant in the room?

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I'm gobsmacked by the video.

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What elephant?

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Assuming you are serious…the first item from today’s newsletter.

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You mean that big elephant that’s going “Wah”? 😩

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Another great Free for All Friday Bill!!! Thank you! It was a great week of writing! Have a wonderful weekend with your family!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

Thanks for the continued great work! Minor quibble: John’s Hopkins is in Baltimore, not Washington, DC

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Not to be all "well actually ... " but the grad program this alleged Russian spy was in is in DC. But thank you!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

In cleaning hotel rooms occasionally. Yikes! I run a business out of my house, but used to run it in an office building. The building management only had the halls and bathrooms cleaned twice/week. It was terrible! I would go in early and at least clean the ladies room before starting work. Finally, I just left. My bathroom at home gets cleaned at least once/day (and sometimes 2 times) out of respect for sanitation and my clients health. People are still calling in sick every week, whether it’s covid or something else. They know when they come here that they’re being well taken care of. What if the folks who had the hotel room before you arrived, left on an off-cleaning day?!

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That’s a relief!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

It is interesting that they think there are too many kids playing soccer.

Sounds like we need more kids on bikes and skis and boards, just saying..

Thank you (I’d say you are all the best but that got squashed the other day.. haha)

Have a great weekend!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Bill Murphy Jr.

I don't know whether Free For All Friday means I can offer an opinion on anything that comes up for me; but, this has been another week in which I feel like my optimism and patriotism have been put to the test. The last few days I've had this weird thought that the quick reaction of the Nashville police oficers has done a lot to restore my faith in the nation. I don't know if I would have had the courage to do what they did. Maybe the greatest generation is alive and well.

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Not that I’m prejudiced, Bill, but you left out the biggest story of the day! The Final Four. The top two women’s college BB teams play tonight at 9. South Carolina #1 overall and Iowa featuring National Player of the Year, Caitlin Clark. Best defense against best offense. The ladies’ games have already had more viewers than any men’s professional game this year. Expect this one to be the biggest likely ever. Again. I’m not prejudiced. Go Gamecocks!! 😬😊

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The news will be tomorrow when SC wins!

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Regarding Soccer in the US; Field Hockey is a great alternative. There is indoor hockey in the cold months and outdoor hockey in the warmer months. Scholarships, college recruitment tournaments and, yes, the Olympics. We love it.

Oh, and I'd be on board for this:

Today, there are more ways than ever to experience the continent, from adventurous heli-ski safaris to cushy luxury cruises with caviar service and even a restaurant overseen by Michelin-star chef Alain Ducasse. Where do I sign up??

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Where can I find a coupon!?!

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WOW! I grew up during and post WWII and don’t remember ever seeing or hearing the kind of negativity from veterans that that video of our most recent veterans portrays.

No wonder our country is in disarray!

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You’re right. The goals for WW II was to defeat the AXIS powers. We did, helped rebuild and that was that. We made friends with our enemies because we understood they were possible allies and strategically located. VN, Afghanistan and Iraq supposedly were for nation building, or as in Viet Nam’s case, to test our military goodies. In all three instances there was no reason for us to be there. Bush I got in and got out with Desert Storm. Afghanistan was a cluster fk because we didn’t go in, clear out the Taliban(IF that was really possible)and then come home.

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You got through Viet Nam without hearing about the fragging, the napalm, the jungle firefights, Mei Lai massacre? Maybe you missed what the G I’s had to say because there were no parades, no flags flying-nothing but opprobrium and abuse. Today’s soldier isn’t any different from any other who has gone through the rigors of boot camp and then thrown into a situation that was dishonorable from the git-go. If war is “honorable”, as WW II was, then that was the last one fought. We’ve lost too many of our citizens(property of the US government)to overblown egos and piss-poor planning.

Or did I misunderstand your comment?

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I agree. I knew many guys that went to Vietnam. I missed it by a year, thank goodness. I understood the protests.

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I’m loving your Friday format Bill. The goat story was just sad but enlightening. Don’t fall prey to the FFA.

As for the room cleaning being backed off, maybe travelers should start treating hotel rooms like their own homes-or perhaps that’s the problem. They are; thinking that someone else would clean their messy rooms up if they trashed them. I know while my husband and I were on our 7 month odyssey, we would keep our room clean whenever we ended up staying longer than an overnight. Many times we ended up staying one or two weeks in a motel room with our two dogs, because we liked the area and we needed to get our mail and pay bills(this was 2001). We would negotiate a good rate and in exchange, we treated our room as we would our home. We kept it clean. The maids knew me and if we needed anything, it was ours. When we finally left, there wasn’t all that much for the maids to do. They worked hard and we didn’t want to make their jobs any harder.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, times change. Covid has forced businesses to change and so must the guest. Don’t be a slob and clean sheets or a clean loo shouldn’t be a daily necessity.

As for The NY Times video, it was tough hearing the same things said about what the guys said about what they encountered in Iraq and seeing that lousily armed vehicle that our soldiers had to patrol in. We were rightfully embarrassed when our soldiers were found having to use such lousy equipment. It didn’t take long for the guys who were interviewed to figure out they were in a no win situation and they knew they were changing and not necessarily for the better.

That’s what I learned Friday. Thanks for the free links too. Go have a good weekend. We’ll catch ya Monday.

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Yea, you misunderstood -

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