Talk about Grace and grit: I’m going to buy the book now. As for women wearing pants, I grew up in the 60s when it was still frowned upon by previous generations.

Heck, if you had an American flag patch on your blue jeans you could be arrested.

And they wonder why our generation protested so much.

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Spot on my friend.

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I had an idea just now reading this AM’s edition of Understandably, and I’m positive I’m not the first. Wouldn’t it be great to have all of these wonderful emails in the form of a book- a book of these mini history lessons combined with Mr. Murphy’s humorous and insightful personal takes on the events? Probably TMI, but I could see myself having my children (when they are a bit older) read one article each time they settled in for a few minutes on the loo (I’m not British but I feel it’s least gross way to say that). Just a thought :) I love your emails, thanks for doing this labor of love.

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Wow. I second this. What an incredible idea. My three girls are now grown, with two out of the house and the third teetering on the precipice of flying the coop. However, had we possessed a first edition of this book 20 years ago, I’m convinced this would have been in the read aloud rotation as the team gathered around each night an hour before bed to hear good ‘ol dad read the nightly installment.

This book would have upped my game a hundred fold. How could J.K. Rowling or Roald Dahl even HOPE to compete? Answer: They couldn’t. Lewis Caroll…C.S. Lewis? Step aside…there’s a new sheriff in town.

This book would have opened minds and increased intelligences.

Even now, I can envision giving this book as gifts, elevating my gift-giving prowess to a staggering degree.

Bill, we’re on to something here. Glad we could volunteer you for this. ;-)

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As the “heart” or like button will not work for me I write this note of “ditto” to the book idea! 😎

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Great story, Bill! As a woman, I feel very inspired after reading this story!

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Love S.F.’s idea about the book!!! You should do that Bill!!!

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Great story, we can possibly be related. My Grandfather William H. Murphy Jr. was an attorney in Chicago for many years.

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Bill, I suggest a survey so we can provide feedback on your low power mode. I have some thoughts and haven’t figured out how I can get them to you.

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Yes, I appreciate that. You can email me at bill@understandably.com as well. Thanks!

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I would love to know the full story surrounding the Van Buren sisters.

I have a buddy who is so proud to tell anyone who will listen that he hiked up Mt. Kilimanjaro. Yet, he did so with an entire squad of paid help, carrying everything he would need and making his journey a guided tour for someone who had more money than grit.

I’ve seen similar stories, where they sound good when retold, but in truth were accomplished by men with more hat than cattle.

I suspect this is not the case here. I bet these sisters did it alone, or at least largely so, making this event even more impressive.

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I had stopped sharing Understandably on my social media for a while, but today’s great newsletter compels me to share it once again.

An entry for the things worth knowing, a follow-up to the Saskatchewan mass stabbings that happened last Sunday. Both suspects are now dead. The last one died while in custody.


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A female friend in her late 70s was telling a group her life story and how she got married at 16. Her husband was 23. I mentioned that today her husband would go to jail. She said "yeah, but back then no one cared. It wasn't a big deal." So was he "scouting" a 16 year old girl? Maybe, but it's a lot less creepy knowing he passed away about 3 months before their 50th wedding anniversary.

It's all in the perspective of the time.

Welcome back Bill

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Why would the husband go to jail? Not illegal to marry at 16 (though most states require parental consent).

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Since you made up "asteriskally" I wondered if there was more creativity at play and looked up "retconned". Turns out that is a word, as you obviously know, that probably needs a later article.

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Thank you for the story about the Van Buren sisters. As a female motorcycle rider, it's frustrating that this is still a male dominated activity. The barriers to riding (poorly designed equipment for women, bike size, etc.) are different, but the sexism and assumptions about women's roles in the moto industry persist.

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What a great article today, and am glad you've got some downtime.

I find myself sorely missing the Other Things Worth Knowing section, so as one of the last days without, here is one for those interested.

A janitor in South Dakota who says that, "[he], can barely read or write, but the ingenuity side…of my brain, works just fine” has developed a light and easy to use way of locking doors down during active shooter scenarios. This is the spirit of creativity that finds solutions to problems and in this case could save many lives. (and sad that this was a solution that we needed)


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something that a child could put on, great story, humble but great thinking man

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I have frequently promoted the Understandably newsletter, and as a paid subscriber of the newsletter, I am taking the liberty of promoting an artist I truly believe in.

My fellow readers of Understansably, Sierra Levesque needs our help. Tonight, the semifinals of The Opening Act contest close at 10 pm ET.

Please vote for this amazingly talented 17-year-old one-woman band from Pembroke, Ontario, so she can progress to the finals.

I wanna see Sierra rock that stage as the winner of The Opening Act contest .🏆🎸🥁 🎹 🇨🇦

#sierralevesquemusic #theopeningact2022


Thank you in advance for any and all support you can provide. Please share, share, and share some more😘.

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It’s nice to hear about Americans of times past that instilled passion to do great for America today. Naysayers take note!

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Passed along the Van Buren sisters' story to a woman friend who has a motorcycle school on Long Island and has taken some long trips. Had a story worth mentioning but it feels eclipsed by Queen Elizabeth's death. What timing that the new Prime Minister Liz Truss met with her only two days ago.

I am not a fan of the British monarchy but had a deep respect and appreciation for Queen Elizabeth.

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