Hey Bill: I always enjoy your blog and this is one of the best yet. Unfortunately the link to the guide isnt working. It goes to a page that has no content. <https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract=&amp%3Bdid=750070> Sure hope you can resend that in a future issue. Thanks again for always providing a lift to the start of my day

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Sorry typo in the URL. It's at: https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=750070

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The faulty link…nothing could be more appropriate for this story!!!

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The Sabotage link results in: "0" Abstract not found Sorry, but we could not locate this abstract.

: (

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Sorry typo in the URL. It's at: https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=750070

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I am reminded of a coworker who, every few weeks, would forget to set the timer correctly on the microwave for his popcorn.

Needless to say the resulting smoke would set off the smoke alarms. After several of these incidents the fire department would first call our switchboard to confirm that there was indeed a fire.

Talk about crying wolf.

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Another great blog Bill thank you. FYI the sabotage doc loaded fine this end. I'm busy planning........:-)

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Office space, or government space? This sounds just like our United States Congress. Explains a lot. God help us.

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Sounds like some of our “representatives” in Congress got ahold of that WWII manual and are practicing its intentions!

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Some of the best ‘bad advice’ I’ve ever heard! Wait - I think I’ve worked in places with those behaviors 😀. BTW, at least half the fun comes in NOT explaining lame dad jokes… just let them lie/lay/linger there 😉

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The military is an all volunteer force, but so is the workforce for all businesses. We are all having trouble filling our quotas. But only the military has the option of conscription.

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#1-7 happen where I work- thankfully no #8

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I ran two organizations, until I became a sole proprietor. During those times I ran a tight ship. I hired people for their expertise and enthusiasm. If they didn’t do their job, they were fired. If they threatened to sue, I told them I’d see them in court. They never followed up. Everyone was happy and we all pitched in if someone was struggling. However, the Board of Directors was something else again. What total mayhem. That’s what made me quit. They must have read the CIA guidelines and thought that’s how organizations were supposed to run. 🤦‍♀️

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Sounds like some Trump supporters and members of Congress got ahold of that WWII manual and are practicing its intentions!

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Again I’m reminded about how thankful I am to be retired.

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I so enjoyed that sketch ... it gave me a smile :-)

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Wow that field manual sounds like the playbook of the current administration.

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So - I read into the article regarding the dearth of military applicants. The link that discussed a survey from military teens was pretty interesting. The comment that they’re “not all ok” May certainly be true. But what about all the non- military teens who choose to join? I would venture to say that there’ll always be a certain percentage of young people who have struggled in their lives.

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Thanks Bill. Link is easy to find on DOHS site by just searching “sabotage”… declassified manual from 1/1941, probably for resistance groups in Europe, but if spread to French resistance it came when its leadership became mostly communist after the German-Russian pact broke down… then maybe, or quite probably later got in the hands of Soviet “agit-prop” /KGB running communist cells and unions throughout Europe after the war… oh well… the US is finally getting a taste of Soviet influence which Europe had to deal with for over 50 years…

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