I worked for a law firm in the 70’s that was quite good, but “not good enough”. When the younger lawyers became partners, they changed the culture dramatically. Instead of just the lawyers benefiting from profit sharing, the secretaries and paralegals were included too. I’d left before that, but when I came back to visit a few years later, the whole atmosphere had changed! The secretaries, paralegals and lawyers were all team players and I could feel the happiness and purpose. It was thrilling.

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I too had an incredible experience with Chewy. 2 actually. Too small collar - donate to your local shelter and sent me another size. I adopted a rescue - chewy sent me a cute frame painted picture of him! They must have got picture from rescue group! Love them !

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Because Tesla was not money oriented and lax in filing for patents,Edison got a lot of credit for Tesla’s innovations.

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Maybe not attributable to a higher degree of emotional intelligence, but a lower degree of business savvy.

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Another great day of writing Bill! Thank you!!!

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The Farmer’s Dog sent me flowers when Rocky died. I didn’t think twice about enrolling Hope, my little rescue, in their fresh food program some months later.

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Interesting that each of your "emotional intelligence" examples has FEEL involved which reminded me of the quote by Maya Angelou - “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

To be successful in life/business, it seems that's the only thing you need to learn!

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Funk's rules. A wise commanding general put out a list of rules when he was an Infantry Division Commander and one of them was to quit work by 1500 on Fridays. He would personally go around garrison and inspect the parking lots and buildings to reprimand anyone caught violating this rule.

Goal: support family time and loyalty

Emotion leveraged: feelings of freedom and being heard

Well, it worked great except when we had 24/7 operations and exercises.

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Thanks, Bill, for your newsletter and your continuing to write and provide information about emotional intelligence. I share in that interest and am constantly surprised and disappointed at how few people possess that trait especially when it virtually impacts the success of not only their livelihood but their personal relationships.

I know he may have detractors (as is the case with anyone in the public eye) but I've been impressed with Bob Iger over the years with his level of emotional intelligence and his ability to handle very difficult situations that arise within Disney. I believe that is why he has been so successful over his many years at Disney and the reason he has now been renamed as CEO at Disney.

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If emotional intelligence is about leveraging emotions, isn't that what a good con artist does?

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I may be wrong in many cases, but I would like to think the difference with someone “doing it right” and a con artist would be the honest, empathetic leveraging for both parties’ gain vs. the sly leveraging only for one party’s gain.

Win/win vs. win/lose.

Flowers for a deceased pet is the perfect example. Yes, the company is playing on the emotions of the pet owner, but in the end, the owner feels great and is guided toward a company that takes extra steps and knows how to treat a client, both human and canine.

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Can't wait for the book on emotional intelligence. Airlines use emotional intelligence a lot: https://twitter.com/DaveMortensenAF/status/985546148713828353?s=20&t=IHmqesrL0jtQmF67v7P1dA <- restoring a sense of community "we're all in this together, come fly with us again" and the lost of control to a customer.

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Emotional intelligence has its virtues, but not if you're only using it on one side of your business. If chewy (just an example, I LOVE them) used EI on the customer, but treated its employees like crap, how long would they be able to keep it up in this age of google reviews, digital exit interviews and TikTok? It gets exposed as shallow and pandering, rather than a trusted business model.

Also, Chewy sends birthday cards to my dogs every year. They're awesome.

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