Yes, I get the 7 things every morning. You would hear from me if I didn't.

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Yes, I got the 7 things today.

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I got everything and have been all along. Don P

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Always get the 7 things

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No problem with the 7 things for me today or any other day.

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you asked, so, yes, I can see, have always seen, the "7 other things"...

& Discover Card was also my first which I needed to make a cross-country move w/ (stopped in Chicago & put a $300 stereo on it which took a looong time to pay off!);

&, every time my iPhone updates it wants me to add ApplePay which I refuse to do. Hopefully I can continue to refuse.

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Just a thought, I use Apple Pay because my credit card numbers are never seen by humans.

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Seems like they created a new feature for people who get paid bi-weekly. Always get the 7 things.

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Got the 7 other things.

As for pay-in-4, I love it. No interest and I don’t have to set up an ACH to pay something off. Especially for big ticket items. And… your credit rating never suffers due to slow or forgotten payments.

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I have been able to see the 7 little things. Enjoy your newsletters!

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You missed the biggest step in credit card evolution. The gas station card. Esso, Shell, Mobile and more got cards into many wallets. Made them an acceptable item.

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Indeed. My first card was for Belk in high school (‘73) because I worked there. Texaco first gas card in ‘75. Applied for a Diners Club in ‘77 just to see if I would be accepted. I was but there was a fee so I sent it back.

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I also recall receiving my first corporate AmEx in ‘82. I thought I was a cool dude!

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App user here, consistently getting 7 thing

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I am seeing the 7 other things in its new format. iPhone user with up to date software.

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Have never had a problem seeing 7 other things. Thanks for all you do, enjoy the information.

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DHS forgot to mention the parents

(domestic terrorists) at school board meetings in their list of potential threats

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Amen to that!

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I get/see it.

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I have always seen the 7 other things. Thanks!

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